Dermatovenerology. Cosmetology

Хрянин, А. А. Искусственный интеллект в дерматологии: возможности и перспективы / А. А. Хрянин, В. К. Бочарова // Клиническая дерматология и венерология. – 2024. – Т. 23, № 3. – С. 246–252.

(Artificial intelligence in dermatology: opportunities and prospects)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming the most discussed technology in the world in recent years. AI based on neural network models makes significant progress in teledermatology. The problem is of critical importance and relevance, because telemedicine and AI, which are used in dermatology, make it possible to improve both the quality of health care for the population and the working process of medical professionals. The authors present a modern review of opportunities, prospects and problems related to the AI integration into the dermatologist’s clinical practice.

For example, non-melanoma skin cancers (NMSCs) are known to be the most common cancers in the world, and melanoma is the most malignant form of skin cancer. Dermoscopy has increased the accuracy of NMSCs diagnosis by doctors, but, unfortunately, it remains relatively low. AI could provide invaluable help in early assessment and diagnosis of NMSCs. Studies have found that convolution neural network algorithms can classify skin lesions by dermoscopic images with very high or at least equivalent performance compared to clinicians. In this case, qualitative data and specialist’s feedback lead to a significant quality leap in the AI model. Nevertheless, despite the advantages and development speed of AI-based technologies, there are problems related to: a) the need to improve cybersecurity; b) the need to pay more attention to medico-legal and ethical issues; c) The need to standardize international and local regulations. The objective of the review article is to provide an analysis of the current achievements and limitations of AI in dermatology, paying special attention to the relevance of application in clinical practice.
Роль фотопротекции при светочувствительных дерматозах / Л. Р. Сакания [и др.] // Клиническая дерматология и венерология. – 2024. – Т. 23, № 3. – С. 253–256.

(The role of photoprotection in light-sensitive dermatoses)
It is known that UV-radiation significantly affects skin, causes premature aging, pigmentation and other changes. Sunscreens with UV-filters that mainly block UVA- and UVB-radiation are used as protection against UV-radiation. Sun protection is particularly important in a number of photosensitive dermatoses. One of such diseases is rosacea. UV-radiation exposure increases risks of rosacea development, in addition, UVB has angiogenic properties that contribute to telangiectasia occurrence. Another condition caused by negative effect of UV-radiation is cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Adaptive immune system is activated under the ultraviolet action, autoantibodies are produced that leads to further dermatosis development.

It has also been shown that UV-radiation can increase apoptosis. Chloasma, which is most common in pregnant women, should be noted among pigment disorders caused by sunlight. The use of photoprotective agents comes to the first place due to the impossibility of applying certain therapies in this group. Recently, the effect of visible light, particularly blue light (400—500 nm), on the skin has been actively studying. It has been shown that visible light causes more pronounced pigmentary changes in chloasma. The light in blue spectrum can penetrate deeper into the dermis and cause more serious damages than UV-light. Additionally, an increase of the expression of a number of proinflammatory cytokines under the impact of waves of this length is noted, which may play an important role in some chronic dermatoses. That is why it is important to use photoprotective agents which can protect the skin not only from ultraviolet radiation, but also from blue light.
Васенова, В. Ю. Лазеры и фотодинамическая терапия в лечении онихомикозов / В. Ю. Васенова, Е. И. Цыганкова // Клиническая дерматология и венерология. – 2024. – Т. 23, № 3. – С. 258–263.

(Lasers and photodynamic therapy in treatment of onychomycoses)
Approximately 30% of all skin fungal infections cause onychomycosis (nail plates damaged by fungi). The urgency of this problem is substantiated by not only the decrease in the quality of life of patients, but also the certain difficulties in treatment. Systemic antimycotic therapy has a number of limitations to application and serious adverse drug reactions. Treatment with external antifungal agents shows low effectiveness and often leads to recurrences of infection.

In recent years, hardware methods for correction of this pathology have been actively developing and implementing into clinical practice. The results of studies show that laser and photodynamic therapy can be used successfully in the treatment of onychomycosis. The laser impact on the nail plates contributes to the destruction of pathogenic fungi and prevention of their further spread. Photodynamic therapy involves the use of a photosensitizing drug which, when activated by light, causes the death of fungal cells. We present a review of literature data, allowing to conclude about the advantages and disadvantages of these methods, as well as their combined use with other therapeutic means. Nevertheless, further research is needed to develop optimal laser and photodynamic therapy regimens in the treatment of onychomycosis.
Ревякина, В. А. Значение полиненасыщенных жирных кислот в развитии и прогрессировании атопического дерматита / В. А. Ревякина, Н. А. Тармаева // Вопросы детской диетологии. – 2024. – Т. 22, № 2. – С. 32–38.

(The importance of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the development and progression of atopic dermatitis)
Objective. To substantiate the relevance of the study of atopic dermatitis (AtD) from the position of the influence of nutritional factors on it. Materials and methods. Literature sources on the subject collected by search in Elibrary, PubMed, MedLine databases for the period 1980-2024 on the prevalence, diagnostic criteria and risk factors of AtD development and the role of polyunsaturated fatty acids in this disease were analysed by the expert-analytical method. Results. The data of numerous studies indicate the influence of various risk factors on the occurrence of AtD: sex, age, ethnicity, lifestyle and nutrition, climate, ecology, diagnostic criteria and others.

The ratio of Co-6 and Co-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the diet plays a significant role in the mechanisms of AtD development. In recent decades, the structure of human nutrition has undergone profound changes under the influence of increasing urbanisation. Different dietary components shape dietary habits and preferences, modelling further effects associated with the risk of developing a number of chronic diseases, including AtD. Conclusion. A combination of unfavourable risk factors leads to the development of AtD. The obtained data confirm the relevance of developing methods of treatment of this disease aimed at improving the quality of life of patients with AtD.
Гнойный гидраденит: обзор международных клинических рекомендаций по диагностике и лечению заболевания / В. Р. Хайрутдинов [и др.] // Вестник дерматологии и венерологии.

(Hidradenitis suppurativa: review of international clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease)
Hidradenitis suppurativa hidradenitis is a chronic recurrent inflammatory skin disease that develops after puberty and is characterized by the appearance of recurrent painful nodes, abscesses, the formation of fistula passages and scars on skin areas rich in apocrine sweat glands. Treatment of purulent hidradenitis is aimed at suppressing inflammation, relieving pain, preventing the formation of fistulas and scars. The objectives of this review. Summarize the information in the published international clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of purulent hidradenitis, their comprehensive assessment and comparison with each other. Methods. In the period from December 2022 to February 2023, scientific articles were searched in the PubMed database of the National Center for Biotechnological Information. Inclusion criteria: scientific articles in English, without date restrictions; interdisciplinary publications of specialists in which dermatovenereologists participated. Results.

The analysis of the existing relevant international clinical recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of purulent hidradenitis indicates the absence of specific treatment schemes and algorithms, criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of therapy. In the treatment of purulent hidradenitis, the use of external keratolytics, antiseptics and antibiotics is recommended. Among systemic drugs, antibiotics, retinoids, immunosuppressive agents, hormonal drugs are used. The highest therapeutic efficacy in patients with purulent hidradenitis was shown by genetically engineered drugs that inhibit TNF-α and IL-17A. Conclusions. Patients with purulent hidradenitis require various treatment approaches, including a variety of surgical interventions, depending on the stage, severity, prescription of the disease and the general condition of the patient. The basic principle is the individual selection of the treatment method for a particular patient. In this regard, there is a need to develop domestic clinical guidelines for the management of patients with purulent hidradenitis.
Болезнь Гровера: современные представления о транзиторном и персистирующем акантолитическом дерматозе / К. О. Чепуштанова [и др.] // Вестник дерматологии и венерологии.

(Grover’s disease — current understanding of transient and persistent acantholytic dermatosis )
Grover’s disease is a papulo-vesicular pruritic dermatosis characterized by a transient, persistent, or asymptomatic course. we have analyzed the publications found in the PubMed and rSCi scientific literature databases between 1970 and 2022. The clinical manifestations of Grover’s disease, possible localization, etiological factors, and the histological and dermatoscopic picture of the disease are described.

According to the literature, the putative associations with disease onset are highly variable and include insolation, pregnancy, hemodialysis, chemotherapy, sweating, a number of dermatoses, and a history of malignancy and organ transplantation. Seasonality of the process has also been described. To date, nine histologic patterns of the disease have been described, the most common being acantholytic dyskeratosis
Оптимизация способов и методов остановки носового кровотечения в условиях работы бригад скорой и неотложной медицинской помощи / М. В. Гунина [и др.] // Российская ринология. – 2023. – Т. 31, № 4. –С. 287–291.

(Optimization of methods of epistaxis treatment in the working conditions of ambulance and emergency medical teams)
Epistaxis is a common condition among the world’s population that in 6-10% of cases requires medical care. The development of local impact methods to stop epistaxis by specialists of ambulance and emergency medical teams determines the medical advisability and economic efficacy of this care. To analyze the existing methods of epistaxis stopping and the prospects of their optimization for the medical care provision at the prehospital stage by ambulance and emergency medical teams. Material and methods. Domestic and foreign scientific sources presented in PubMed and eLibrary for the last 20 years were analyzed by keywords: gauze tamponade, prehospital stage, nasal tamponade, ambulance medical care, emergency medical care. Results.

The preferred characteristics of anterior nasal tamponade which should be modified have been determined to improve the efficacy of medical care provision for patients with epistaxis at the prehospital stage. Conclusion. The analysis of existing methods for epistaxis stopping allowed to determine the preferred characteristics of anterior nasal tamponade modification to optimize the provision of ambulance and emergency medical care at the prehospital stage. These features are rapid and atraumatic intranasal introduction of a hydrotampon, providing a combined effect of controlled compression on vessels of the nasal cavity mucosa, which does not require special skills and tools for its installation.
Современные хирургические методы омоложения нижней трети лица и шеи. Обзор литературы / А. С. Борисенко [и др.] // Пластическая хирургия и эстетическая медицина. – 2023. – № 4. – С. 64–72.

(Modern surgical methods for rejuvenation of the lower third of the face and neck)
This review is devoted to the issue of age-related changes of the lower third of the face and modern methods of their correction. In addition to historical milestones in development of platysmaplasty, the authors present complex approach to rejuvenation of the lower third of the face and neck. According to literature data, modern plastic surgeons should be confident in several methods of correction of face and neck aging, as well as combination with minimally invasive technologies. Cosmetology and plastic surgery should complement each other for favorable long-term results. This article systematizes knowledge in facial and neck rejuvenation that sets the vector for individual approach based on anatomical features and type of the face.
Старцева, О. И. Хирургические методы лечения лимфатических отеков верхних конечностей у больных в рамках лечения постмастэктомического синдрома. Обзор литературы / О. И. Старцева, С. В. Семенов // Пластическая хирургия и эстетическая медицина. – 2023. – № 4. – С. 73–82.

(Surgical treatment of lymphedema of the upper extremities in patients with post-mastectomy syndrome)
Secondary lymphedema as a part of post-mastectomy syndrome after complex treatment of breast cancer is a common problem. Conservative approaches (complex physical decongestant therapy) were the only option for these patients for a long time. Development of microsurgical technologies, new surgical techniques and modern methods of diagnosis and visualization of lymphatic system expanded the capabilities of reconstructive surgeons for these patients.

Such methods as lympho-venous bypass and lymph nodes transplantation demonstrate encouraging results in patients with mild and severe lymphedema. Inclusion of lymphoid tissue into microsurgical flaps for breast reconstruction makes it possible to restore the lost organ and correct lymphedema within the same surgery. Improvement of resection techniques and their combination with complex decongestant therapy make it possible to expand the indications for patients with different stages of disease. In this article, the authors discuss modern approaches to treatment of lymphedema, features and options of surgical treatment, diagnosis and staging in accordance with international classifications.
Секретом мезенхимальных стромальных клеток: методы исследования и диагностическая значимость при возраст-зависимых изменениях и инфламейджинг-ассоциированных состояниях (обзор литературы) / С. В. Лямина [и др.] // Клиническая лабораторная диагностика. – 2024. – Т. 69, № 3. – С. 140–147.

(Mesenchymal stromal cells secretome: research methods and diagnostic significance in age-dependent changes and inflammaging-associated conditions (review of literature))
Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) reasonably attract wide attention of specialists in the field of regenerative medicine and cell therapy due to their ability to self-renewal, multilinear differentiation, and immune regulation. MSCs biological effects vary significantly under different physiological and pathological conditions and are largely determined by expression of plenty regulatory factors involved in intercellular communication known as secretome and critical for the regulation of key biological processes. Secretome MSC is a dynamic system – a set of factors, the composition of which can largely change in response to changes in the cellular microenvironment, which explains the significant biological effect of the secretome.

Modeling the functional properties of MSCs during the development of cell senescence to a certain extent creates conditions for the development and progression of chronic nonspecific inflammation in surrounding tissues, which is due not only to senescent changes in the cells themselves, but also to changes in the cellular microenvironment in the process of accumulation of senescent cells. Given the emerging data on the possibility and benefits of using the MSC secretome for therapeutic purposes, it is extremely important to evaluate its possible changes due to the likely accumulation of senescent cells, which can potentially lead to the development and exacerbation of low-level inflammation. This review is devoted to analysis of methods for studying MSC secretome, as well as their diagnostic value in the potential use of secretome as a cell-free product in various clinical settings. The literature sources search was carried out in the Scopus, Web of Science, MedLine, The Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Global Health, CyberLeninka, RSCI databases.
Восстановление экспрессии дефицитных белков кожи у больных врожденным буллезным эпидермолизом: эффективность гентамицина / О. Г. Артамонова [и др.] // Вестник дерматологии и венерологии. – 2024. – Т. 100, № 1. – С. 24–30.

(Deficient skin proteins rescue of expressionin patients with epidermolysis bullosa: efficacy of gentamicin)
Epidermolysis bullosa is a group of rare hereditary skin diseases based on mutations in the genes of structural proteins of the epidermis and the dermal-epidermal junction. Clinically, epidermolysis bullosa is characterized by the appearance of erosions and blisters on the skin and mucous membranes in response to any minor impact.

Currently, the treatment of epidermolysis bullosa is only symptomatic. Pathogenetic methods of the epidermolysis bullosa therapy are under development. One of the new possible pathogenetic directions in the treatment of epidermolysis bullosa is aminoglycoside antibiotics (gentamicin, geneticin, paromomycin). A number of studies have shown the ability of gentamicin to promote readthrough terminating codon and resume the synthesis of type vii collagen in keratinocytes and fibroblasts in patients with epidermolysis bullosa with nonsense mutations in the COL7A1. The review presented the possibilities of gentamicin therapy for patients with epidermolysis bullosa, describes the mechanism of its action, summarizes data from clinical trials.