
Full official name: State Institution «Republican Scientific Medical Library»
Address: Fabrytsyusa street, 28, 220007, Minsk, Belarus
Fax: (017) 367-21-53, 374-20-44
Internet address:

Phone: (017) 367-26-44, 374-20-44
Reception (phone/fax): (017) 368-30-89

Bank details: OKPO: 020176775000, UPR: 100904785
Сhecking account BY55 АКВВ 3632 9000 0025 9510 0000, BIC: AKBBBY2X
BSC 510 JSC «JSSB Belarusbank», Minsk

Reference information:

  • user registration – (017) 367-26-44
  • availability of documents in the fund – (017) 367-26-44
  • prolongation of the terms of documents’ use – (017) 367-26-44
  • provision of paid library and information services – (017) 374-20-44


Public conveyances:

  • underground: «Instytut Kultury» station
  • buses:

№ 6, 32с, 50с, 52, 101, 191 to the stop «Instytut Kultury» station»

№ 4, 4д, 6, 10, 24, 32с, 40, 45, 47с, 50с, 53, 65, 73, 100, 163, 191  to the stop «Akademija upravlenija»

  • trolleybuses:

№ 8, 27, 43, 51, 63, 64 to the stop «Instytut Kultury» station»
№ 27, 43, 51 to the stop «Akademija upravlenija»