Books live while we read them

Tomorrow is International Book Giving Day – a special holiday which unites all book lovers and gives life to millions of publications.

Our dear readers’ donations are an invaluable source of the RSML stock acquisition. The participants of foreign trade conferences and seminars often hand materials over to our library, and the users gift us the authors’ copies of published books and even their whole home libraries which contain fascinating editions RSML doesn’t possess.

We carefully keep private collections of books of Juryj Gulkievich, Daniil Markaw, Uladzimir Ulashchyk and other celebrated Belarusian medical scientists safe.

In 2023, more than 200 books our readers donated to us were included in the RSML stock.

This year our stock has already been enriched by valuable gifts. Among them are Yakov Leibovich’s “Forensic medicine practical guidelines” («Практическое руководство по судебной медицине») issued in 1922 by the Bureau of Criminal Investigation, David Messel’s “A concise handbook on physiotherapy” («Краткий учебник физиотерапии») printed in 1939, a 1941 doctors’ and nurses’ practical guide of the “Army doctor’s library” series called “A reference book on blood transfusion” («Памятка по переливанию крови») and a wide range of other most interesting editions.

We thank our benefactors and are waiting for new books to arrive and find their place in the RSML stock!

Having questions concerning the donation of publications? Please contact the RSML asset provision department. Tel.: +375 17 272 22 30, +375 17 368 34 37; E-mail:,

Looking forward to cooperation!