Belarusian authors’ publications in foreign periodicals: 3d quarter of 2023

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In this section you can check out Belarusian author’s publications in foreign periodicals which are accessible in RSML. To order a full text, use Electronic medical library or the Electronic document delivery service.


Райкевич-Ляховская, О. В. Проблемные вопросы оптимизации перевода реципиентов почечного трансплантата из детской во взрослую службу здравоохранения (обзор литературы) / О. В. Райкевич-Ляховская (Минск), А. В. Сукало (Минск), С. В. Байко (Минск) // Нефрология [Санкт-Петербург]. – 2023. – Т. 27, № 2. – С. 21–28. – Библиогр.: 78 назв.


(Problematic issues of optimizing the transfer of renal transplant recipients from pediatric to adult health care (literature review))

The transfer of kidney transplant recipients from pediatric to adult healthcare should be a planned process, as it involves various risks, including loss of the transplanted organ and death of the patient. The most critical age for the development of adverse events is the age of 17–24 years. This is because of the peculiarities of the maturation of the brain of adolescents, severe kidney disease and the need for constant medication. At this age, patients experience peer pressure, preoccupation with their appearance, personal development, pursuits and dreams for the future, which may not come true against the background of a long-term chronic illness and lead to low self-esteem, depression and anger. The result of these psycho-emotional experiences may be non-compliance with the regimen of immunosuppressive drugs with the development of rejection, and even loss of a kidney transplant. The transition process should ideally take several years and start early, usually between the ages of 12 and 14. The transfer should be carried out not only after the onset of a certain age, but also based on the existing skills and readiness of the patient. The patient must remain in the pediatric service if severe complications (rejection, infections) develop until they are treated and for at least 1 year after transplantation, even if this period is the age of transition to adult service. Following a transition readiness assessment, a structured plan should be drawn up requiring the integration of medical, educational, behavioral and social strategies both during and after the transition. Establishing transitional clinics or assigning a position of coordinator allows controlling the transition process and minimize possible risks and negative consequences. The development and implementation of programs for the transition of kidney transplant recipients to adult service are aimed at increasing the survival of the kidney transplant and patients, improving their quality of life.


Роль сывороточного иммуноглобулина Е у пациентов с иммуноглобулин А-нефропатией / К. С. Комиссаров (Минск), Д. Б. Нижегородова (Минск), Е. И. Минченко (Минск), В. С. Пилотович (Минск), М. М. Зафранская (Минск) // Нефрология [Санкт-Петербург]. – 2023. – Т. 27, № 2. – С. 47–56. – Библиогр.: 26 назв.

(The role of serum immunoglobulin e in patients with immunoglobulin А-nephropathy)

The aim. To determine the frequency of elevated serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels in patients with immunoglobulin A nephropathy (IGAN) and to establish its relation to clinical and morphological, laboratory manifestations and disease course.

Patients and methods. The study enrolled 47 patients with primary IGAN, age 32 (27 ÷ 39) years. Daily proteinuria (PU), hematuria, serum creatinine, degree of arterial hypertension (AH) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) were analyzed. Blood concentration of total IgE was determined by enzyme immunoassay, and allergen-specific IgE antibodies to 57 allergens (domestic, epidermal, fungal, vegetable, food) using a commercial kit “EUROLINE Atopy Screen (IgE)” (“Euroimmun”, Germany).

Results. In patients with IGAN, serum total IgE was found to exceed the normal value in 55 % of cases, with a concentration of 89.4 (47.5 ÷ 198.7) IU/ml and correlation with GFR (R=0.32, p=0.02) and creatinine (R=-0.40, p=0.01) was detected. Patients with elevated IgE levels showed a reduced incidence of AH (p=0.01), tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis (T1) (p=0.03). A correlation analysis revealed that the severity of endothelial proliferation decreased with increasing IgE concentration (R=– 0.40, p=0.02). The highest prevalence among allergens was shown for specific IgE to domestic mites Dermatophagoides farinae (42,1 %), specific activity of 31,4 (1,7 ÷ 71,3) u.u. was noted to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus. There was a correlation between IgE concentration to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and PU (R=-0.51, p=0.01) and between the amount of IgE to Dermatophagoides farinae and the percentage of half moon (R=-0.55, p=0.01). The five-year event-free survival rate was 67 ± 19 % in the IgE group within normal limits and 100 % in the IgE group above normal limits (p=0.008).

Conclusion. The presence of elevated concentrations of total and specific IgE indicated a more favourable course of IGAN.

Порошина, Л. А. Быстрая прогрессия Т-клеточной лимфомы кожи после перенесенной коронавирусной инфекции / Л. А. Порошина (Гомель), Н. Б. Янко (Гомель), С. Л. Ачинович (Гомель) // Клиническая дерматология и венерология [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 22, № 3. – С. 363–368. – Библиогр.: 12 назв.

(Rapid progression of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma after coronavirus infection)

Two cases of skin T-cell lymphoma were presented. They simulated chronic dermatoses with numerous recurrent skin rashes for several years and were not diagnosed in the early stages. Patients were initially diagnosed with allergic contact dermatitis, irritant contact dermatitis, erythema nodosum, skin sarcoidosis, psoriasis, carbuncle, and chronic ulcerative pyoderma and treated with antihistamines, glucocorticoids, antibiotics, and topical agents. In both cases, in the initial stages, patients had a slowly progressive course of dermatoses with periods of exacerbations and remissions. The rapid progression of diseases with a tendency to the skin process generalization, nodular rashes, and the lack of response to therapy occurred shortly after the coronavirus infection. Patients had skin biopsies followed by a pathological and immunohistochemical examination. The clinical examination, medical history, and pathological pattern confirmed the tumor stage of skin lymphoma.
For further management, patients were referred to an oncologist.
Влияние алекситимии на эффективность реабилитационного процесса у лиц с зависимостью от алкоголя / И. В. Григорьева (Минск), А. В. Ходжаев (Минск), Т. А. Адамчук (Минск), С. С. Кононов (Минск) // Наркология [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 22, № 4. – С. 49–62. – Библиогр.: 45 назв.

(Influence of alexithymia on the effectiveness of the rehabilitation process in persons with alcohol dependence)

Correction of emotional sphere in alexithymic persons dependent on psychoactive substances in the process of rehabilitation allows them to realize the causes of their affects and develop adequate ways of their regulation through verbalization, comprehension and comparison with their life experience. Methods. Patients with alcohol dependence syndrome were under observation in a labor treatment center (LTP), aged from 21 to 60 years: the main group (n=41, persons undergoing the method of complex medical rehabilitation of persons with alcohol dependence syndrome and mood disorders (CMTAD), which included: pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, psychocorrection and occupational therapy, group I) and the comparison group (n=40, undergoing the standard program, group II). The following methods were used in the study: Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20, 2009); Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) to identify and assess the severity of depression and anxiety; Beck’s Hopelessness Scale; A. Langle’s Existence Scale; Subjective Control Level (SCL); Bipolar Spectrum Disorders Diagnostic Scale (BSDS). Statistical processing of the data was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 21 program. Spearman’s correlation coefficient was used for correlation analysis. Conclusion. 1. The revealed high level of manifestations of different levels of alexithymia in 80% of persons with alcohol dependence syndrome confirmed that to overcome difficulties in identification and expression of their own feelings they used alcohol as a means of influencing their emotional state. Regular suppression of feelings and lack of empathic emotional reactions gradually turned into a dependent life style, social distancing with formality of family and labor relations. 2. Taking into account the presence of alexithymic profile in alcohol-dependent persons in the process of rehabilitation allows to build psychotherapeutic approaches that provide access to internal emotional experiences and bodily blocks, awareness of the causes of affective tension, modulation of their affects, development of adequate ways to respond through verbalization, comprehension and comparison with their life experience, use emotions as important symbols. 3. The obtained data of interrelations of alexithymia indicators, affective-personal characteristics, existentia and the level of subjective control allowed to define therapeutic “targets”, verbalize requests in alcohol-dependent persons and structure the optimal plan of psychotherapeutic interaction in the rehabilitation process. 4. The chosen integrated approach included in the structure of the method of complex medical rehabilitation of persons with alcohol dependence syndrome and mood disorders made it possible to include a consistent treatment of all components of alexithymia (affective, cognitive and personal), to gain access to internal resources and make available for understanding information about inner feelings, to realize the causes of their affects and addictive behavior, to consolidate the skills of self-observation and distanced “ external view of oneself, one’s own understanding of life meanings, the freedom to choose a way out of the addictive impasse and to integrate the value of sobriety into the system of life activity, to develop adaptive ways of self-regulation with the help of life sobriety and inner coherence.
Курчин, В. П. Опухоль верхней легочной борозды (опухоль Панкоста): исторический аспект, термины и определения / В. П. Курчин (Минск), А. Л. Акопов, Т. А. Кузнецова (Минск) // Вопросы онкологии [Санкт-Петербург]. – 2023. – Т. 69, № 3. – С. 565–570. – Библиогр.: 33 назв.

(Superior pulmonary sulcus (Pancoast) tumor:
historical aspect, terms and definitions)

The article describes the stages of forming modern concepts of the Pancoast tumor, clinically manifested by pain syndrome and eye disorders. The established eponym of the tumor and syndrome includes the name of American radiologist H.K. Pancoast, who extensively described the clinical and radiological semiotics of the tumor and gave it the name «superior pulmonary sulcus tumor» in 1924 and 1936. Despite nearly 100 years having passed since then, the validity of the name, anatomical aspect, organ origin of the tumor, its histogenesis, and the characteristics of its clinical course remain the subject of discussion until now. The historical priority of describing the tumor and syndrome belongs to English surgeon E.S. Hare; however, his discovery became widely known after the eponym associated with H.K. Pancoast›s name emerged. Misconceptions regarding Pancoast›s concept of this tumor and its name, «superior pulmonary sulcus tumor,» continue to be found in scientific publications to the present day.
Гусакова, Е. А. Значение медиаторного и гормонального звеньев симпатико-адреналовой системы в реализации анксиолитического эффекта близких к физиологическим доз L-тироксина при стрессе / Е. А. Гусакова (Витебск), И. В. Городецкая (Витебск) // Журнал неврологии и психиатрии имени С. С. Корсакова [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 123, № 6. – С. 106–112. – Библиогр.: 23 назв.

(The role of the mediator and hormonal links of the sympathetic-adrenal system in the anxiolytic effect of close to physiological doses of L-thyroxine under stress)

Objective: To study an effect of small doses of L-thyroxine on the level of anxiety in animals under stress and to analyze the role of the mediator and hormonal links of the sympathetic-adrenal system in its implementation.

Material and methods: The study was performed on 78 white outbread male rats. Stress was modeled using the «time deficit» method. Chemical sympathectomy was performed by intraperitoneal injection of guanetidine at a dose of 30 mg/kg for 28 days. Bilateral adrenalectomy was performed according to the method of Y.M. Kabak. L-thyroxine was injected intragastrically for 28 days in small doses (1.5-3 µg/kg). The level of anxiety was determined in the «open field» test. The content of iodine-containing thyroid hormones (ICTH) in the blood serum was evaluated by the enzyme immunoassay.

Results: It has been found that stress activates thyroid function (an increase in the concentration of ICTH by 23-44%, p<0.01) and increases the level of anxiety in animals (an increase in the total resting time by 21%, p<0.05 and the resting time in periphery – by 25%, p<0.01). Chemical sympathectomy does not affect the growth of anxiety in rats who have undergone stress, whereas adrenalectomy contributes to its increase (an increase in the total resting time and the resting time in periphery by 15 and 14%, p<0.05). The injection of L-thyroxine minimizes the increase in the content of ICTH in the blood (by 16-27%, p<0.05) and has an anxiolytic effect under stress (prevents an increase in the total resting time and the resting time in periphery). Both chemical sympathectomy and, especially, adrenalectomy somewhat minimize, but do not completely prevent the implementation of the anti-anxiety effect of L-thyroxine under stress.

Conclusion: In the formation of the anti-anxiety effect of ICTH, their central stress-limiting influence is important, limiting the mobilization of both the mediator and hormonal links of the sympathetic-adrenal system. The role of the latter in the implementation of the stress-protective effect of thyroid cancer is not decisive.

Чепелев, С. Н. Участие L-лактата в реализации кардиопротекторного эффекта дистантного ишемического посткондиционирования у молодых и старых крыс / С. Н. Чепелев (Минск), Ф. И. Висмонт (Минск), С. В. Губкин (Минск) // Патологическая физиология и экспериментальная терапия [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 67, № 2. – С. 58–64. – Библиогр.: 15 назв.

(Participation of L-lactate in the cardioprotective effect of remote ischemic postconditioning in young and old rats)

The development of new effective methods for preventing or mitigating ischemic and reperfusion injury to the myocardium and elucidating their mechanisms is an urgent task of modern experimental and clinical medicine. Remote ischemic postconditioning (RIPost) is a promising non-invasive method that can effectively and safely reduce the size of myocardial infarction.
The aim of the study was to elucidate the involvement of L-lactate in the infarct-limiting effect of RIPost in young and old rats.
Methods. The study of the participation of L-lactate in the realization of the cardioprotective effect of RIPost in ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) of the myocardium was performed on 120 mongrel white male rats (60 young rats weighing 200-240 g and aged 4±1 months and 60 old rats weighing 400-450 g and aged 24±1 months). Coronary occlusion (30 min) and reperfusion (2 h) were performed to model myocardial infarction. The necrotic zone area and area at risk were measured. RIPost was modeled by clamping the hind limbs for 15 minutes 10 minutes after the start of reperfusion. The concentration of L-lactate in blood plasma was measured in the RIPost model (by 15-minute ischemia of both femoral arteries 10 min after 30-minute acute coronary occlusion).
Postconditioning with L-lactate (PostL) was produced by injecting L-lactate 10 mg/kg into the left common jugular vein 25 minutes after the start of reperfusion.
Results. In young and old rats, after the 15-minute clamping of both femoral arteries during RIPost, blood plasma concentrations of L-lactate increased 2.28 and 2.34 times, respectively. The sizes of the necrotic zone in the studied groups were as follows: I/Ryoung was 45±4, I/Rold, 47±5, RIPost
young, 25±3 (p<0,001), RIPostold, 28±3 (p<0,001), I/R+Salineyoung– 45±6, I/R+Salineold – 48±6, PostLyoung, 33±3 (p<0,01), and PostLold, 35±4% (p<0,01).
Conclusions. RIPost has an infarction-limiting effect and is accompanied by an increase in the blood plasma concentration of L-lactate. It was found that PostL leads to a decrease in the size of the necrosis zone in the myocardium of the left ventricle in young and old rats by 26.7 and 25.5%, respectively
Государственные поликлиники: возможные улучшения с точки зрения участковых врачей-терапевтов / Е. А. Добрецова, И. Л. Аршукова, И. М. Акулин, А. В. Шульмин (Витебск) // Профилактическая медицина [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 26, № 6. – С. 55–60. – Библиогр.: 17 назв.

(State clinics: possible improvements from the point of view of district general practitioners)

The need to improve the performance of public clinics in the Russian Federation is a universally recognized priority. Purpose of the study. To identify possible factors, the change of which can have a positive impact on the situation in polyclinics from the point of view of district general practitioners working in Krasnoyarsk. Material and methods. A solid study of opinions of district general practitioners working in public clinics of Krasnoyarsk in 2019 was conducted. The study was conducted by questionnaire survey. The questionnaire was filled out by 283 out of 308 doctors, the response rate was 92%. Data processing was performed in the statistical package IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0. Descriptive statistics of categorical variables is presented in the form of shares. The x2 criterion and the decision tree method were used. Results. From the point of view of district general practitioners, the activity of state clinics can be improved by increasing the normative duration of patient reception, reducing the “paper” work of the doctor, increasing the staff of doctors of narrow specialties, the possibility of signing up patients for tests for the nearest time, reducing the waiting time for the patient to see the doctor. In addition, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of repeat prescription without making an appointment, allocation of fixed time for doctors’ break, as well as to form a convenient database of patients, to take into account preferences in the schedule of working hours and in the desired salary of doctors, to create good working conditions for the doctor and a friendly atmosphere in the working team of clinics. Conclusion. The results of the survey of district general practitioners can serve as one of the sources of information about existing problems in the activities of public clinics and possible ways to solve them.
Разводовский, Ю. Е. Оценка распространеннности злоупотребления алкоголем с помощью биохимического маркера фосфатилэтанола и теста AUDIT / Ю. Е. Разводовский (Гродно), А. В. Шуриберко (Гродно) // Наркология [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 22, № 5. – С. 39–45. – Библиогр.: 15 назв.

(Assessment of the prevalence of alcohol abuse using the biochemical marker phosphatylethanol and AUDIT test)

Objective. To estimate the prevalence of alcohol abuse in the population through the combined use of the direct biochemical marker phosphatidylethanol (PE) and the AUDIT (Alcohol Disorders Identification Test) questionnaire. Methods. PE concentration was determined in 136 blood samples from males and 298 blood samples from females aged 15-65 years. Blood was obtained from the laboratory of a medical consultation center where it was received for routine biochemical analysis. Immediately before blood collection, clients were asked to complete the AUDIT questionnaire developed by WHO experts for early diagnosis of alcohol-related problems. PE concentrations were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS). Statistical processing of data was performed using Statistica 10.0 program. Results. Discrimination by the level of alcohol consumption using PE concentration showed that the proportion of withdrawers (practically not drinking alcohol) among men and women was 20.6% and 41.9%, respectively; the proportion of moderate drinkers was 63.1% and 54.0%, respectively; the proportion of abusers was 16.3% and 4.1%, respectively. The distribution of alcohol consumption according to the total AUDIT test score among men and women was as follows; abstainers – 17.9% and 26.9%, respectively; moderate drinkers – 69.6% and 69.7%, respectively; alcohol abusers – 12.5% and 3.4%, respectively. The highest prevalence of alcohol abuse was found among men and women of age groups 50-59 and 40-49 years, respectively. Correlation analysis revealed no association between PE concentration and AUDIT test results. Conclusions. The results of the present study suggest gender and age variability in the level of alcohol-related problems. The prevalence of alcohol abuse was significantly higher in men than in women. The highest prevalence of alcohol abuse was found among middle-aged men. The findings suggest a low concordance between blood PE concentrations and self-reported alcohol consumption.
Морфологические предпосылки формирования шилоподъязычного синдрома: клинические наблюдения / Л. А. Давыдова (Минск), Н. А. Трушель (Минск), А. В. Рыжкова (Минск), Ю. Л. Васильев, Н. В. Тиунова, Н. А. Янова // Клиническая стоматология [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 26, № 2. – С. 178–184. – Библиогр.: 24 назв.

(Morphological prerequisites for the formation of stylohyoid syndrome: clinical observations)

The article presents the topographic, anatomical, and morphometric features of the styloid process, stylohyoid ligament, lesser horns of the hyoid bone, which are functionally combined into the stylohyoid complex. The topography of the styloid process of the temporal bone has several features. The distal part of it passes in the peripharyngeal space of the neck along the pharyngeal wall, where the neurovascular bundle of the neck is anatomically closely adjacent to the styloid process. The pointed end of the elongated and curved styloid process of the temporal bone can irritate the surrounding nerve, vascular and muscle structures. A set of clinical symptoms associated with lengthening or curvature of the styloid process of the temporal bone, complete or partial ossification of the stylohyoid ligament with the formation of articular joints is defined as stylohyoid syndrome or Eagle syndrome. This is the generally accepted name for a set of clinical symptoms associated with abnormalities in the size and position of the styloid process of the temporal bone. The basis of the pathogenesis of the stylohyoid syndrome is not only the elongation of the process, but also its pathological deviation in the medial-posterior direction, combined with thickening and curvature. Depending on which of the formations located in the immediate vicinity is exposed to the apex of the deviated process, two subspecies of the stylohyoid syndrome are distinguished: styloid-pharyngeal and styloid-carotid. We paid more attention to the stylo-pharyngeal syndrome. Despite high research technologies, stylohyoid syndrome remains little known to practitioners and an insufficiently studied disease, although anomalies of the stylohyoid complex occur in 20—30% of people.
Роль экспрессии тканевых ингибиторов матриксных металлопротеиназ в патогенезе и дифференциальной диагностике патологии пародонта / Л. А. Казеко (Минск), В. А. Захарова (Минский р-н, пос. Лесной), Ю. Д. Бенеш (Минск), Е. Д. Черствый (Минск) // Вестник Российской академии медицинских наук [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 78, № 3. – С. 213–226. – Библиогр.: 30 назв.

(Significance of Tissue Inhibitors of Matrix Metalloproteinases Expression in Pathogenesis and Differential Diagnosis of Periodontal Pathology)

The balance of metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) is crucial for the manifestation and progression of periodontal diseases and is one of the promising areas of scientific research in terms of developing methods for selective inhibition of MMPs. Aims to determine the significance of TIMP1 and TIMP2 expression parameters in gingival biopsies to identify the type of periodontitis at the stage of disease manifestation. Methods. A prospective study with parallel inclusion of patients with different forms of periodontitis in the compared groups was performed. The object of this study were patients with various forms of periodontitis. Pathological examination with morphometric analysis of TIMPs expression and subsequent statistical data analysis was performed using AperioImageScope v12.4.0.5043, Statistica 10.0, MedCalc19.6. Results. The study included 67 patients with aggressive (AgP, Grade C, n = 19), chronic simplex (CSP, Grade В, n = 10) and chronic complex (CCP, in the presence of occlusal trauma, Grade В, n = 38) periodontitis and 15 conditionally healthy patients (control group). The expression of TIMP1 and TIMP2 was detected with variable intensity both in the epithelium and in the stroma of the gingiva, and was significantly higher in periodontitis groups compared with the control group (MeTIMP1/2 = 32%/70%). Parameters of TIMP1 and TIMP2 expression had no significant differences in the groups with AgP (MeTIMP1/2 = 84%/98%) and CCP (MeTIMP1/2 = 83%/94%), except for higher parameters of the positivity of epithelial expression of TIMP2 (U = 61 372; p 0.05) and lower levels of intensity of its expression in AgP (MeAgP/CCP=180/171; U = 56 491; p 0.001). Correlation analysis revealed an inverse relationship of TIMPs expression parameters with those MMPs, including those most significant for the development of AgP MMP1 ( = 0.40), MMP8 ( = 0.34), and MMP14 ( = 0.24). ROC analysis established acceptable informativeness of all studied parameters of total expression and positivity of epithelial expression of TIMP1, as well as positivity of total expression and intensity of epithelial expression of TIMP2 to distinguish between aggressive and chronic forms of periodontitis at the stage of disease manifestation. Conclusion. Our results show an increase in the expression of TIMP1 and TIMP2 in various forms of periodontitis and an inverse relationship with the MMPs inhibited by them. This complements both the fundamental knowledge of the development and progression of periodontal pathology and may have applied significance in terms of using the studied TIMP1 and TIMP2 expression criteria to establish the aggressive course of periodontitis already at the stage of disease manifestation, which will allow to individualize treatment, prevent or slow down tooth loss in order to preserve and/or improve the quality of life of this patient group.