Belarusian authors’ publications in foreign periodicals: 1st quarter of 2024

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In this section you can check out Belarusian author’s publications in foreign periodicals which are accessible in RSML. To order a full text, use Electronic medical library or the Electronic document delivery service.


Матвейчик, Т. В. Укрепление и профилактика женского здоровья: современные подходы к решению демографических проблем в Союзном государстве / Т. В. Матвейчик (Минск), К. И. Григорьев, А. И. Григорьев // Медицинская сестра [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 25, № 8. – С. 3–9.(Female health promotion and maintenance: modern approaches to demographic issue solving in the Union state) Family strengthening, women’s health protection, birth rate stimulation, the formation and upbringing of sexual and reproductive behavior of adolescents, which should be carried out by the family, school, and the education system are the main areas of activity of the Union State in the field of demography. The results achieved in the field of preventive activities of nurses and midwives, carried out in parallel in Russia and Belarus, are an incentive to help solve the problems. This is an important part of the activities of health systems and social services in the field of preventive medicine and demography of the socially oriented Union State.
Генерализованная Varicella Zoster-инфекция у пациентки с лимфогранулематозом после трансплантации костного мозга: клинико-лабораторная характеристика и генотипирование вируса / Н. В. Матиевская (Гродно), Е. О. Самойлович (Минск), Г. В. Семейко (Минск), О. В. Гвозделюк (Гродно), А. С. Юшкевич (Гродно) // Журнал инфектологии [Санкт-Петербург]. – 2023. – Т. 15, № 3. – С. 146–151.(Generalized Varicella Zoster infection in a patient with Hodgkin lymphoma after bone marrow transplantation: clinico-laboratorial characteristics and the virus’s genotyping) The description of the laboratory confirmed clinical case of generalized Varicella Zoster infection in a patient with Hodgkin lymphoma after bone marrow transplantation is presented. The detection of Varicella Zoster virus in biological material was carried out by PCR method in real time using the “RealBest DNK VZV” test system manufactured by Vector-BEST, Russian Federation. The isolation of viral DNA from biological material was performed using the “ArtRNA MiniSpin” kit (Art-BioTech, Belarus) or QIAamp DNA mini kit (QIAGEN, Germany). The disease was atypically severe – not only was there damage to the skin and mucous membranes, but encephalitis, myocarditis and pneumonia were developing. The disease was characterized by an acute onset, with a pronounced intoxication syndrome, signs of pancreatitis with a common vesicular rash on the trunk and limbs prone to fusion, located, among other things, on the scalp, feet and palms. The disease was complicated by the addition of secondary bacterial infection, in connection with which the patient received both antiviral treatment and a therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics. The virus is assigned to clade 3 (or E2 genotype according to the old classification), the same genotype as the viruses circulating in Minsk. This case is the first case of a generalized VZV infection described in the Republic of Belarus laboratory confirmed using molecular-genetic methods.
Мельник, Е. В. Содержание макро- и микроэлементов в крови беременных женщин и рожениц при слабости родовой деятельности / Е. В. Мельник (Минск), С. Л. Воскресенский (Минск), П. Т. Журко (Минск) // Акушерство и гинекология [Москва]. – 2023. – № 11. – С. 96–103. (The presence of macro and micro elements in the blood of pregnant women and women in labour with poor uterine contraction strength) The aim: to determine the features of the macro and microelement composition of blood serum before delivery and in the first period of delivery with poor uterine contraction strength. Materials and methods: 86 women with full-term pregnancy, divided after delivery, depending on the peculiarities of the course of childbirth, into 2 groups participated in the study: the main group – poor uterine contraction strength (n = 46), the comparison group – women whose childbirth proceeded without anomalies of labour (n = 40). An analysis of potassium, sodium, ionized calcium, total calcium, magnesium, inorganic phosphorus and iron in blood serum levels before delivery and in the first period of delivery was performed. Results: women with poor uterine contraction strength before the delivery have higher serum levels of potassium, iron, potassium-magnesium coefficient and lower sodium-potassium coefficient than women with physiological delivery. In childbirth, uterus hypoactivity shows low levels of magnesium and higher values of calcium-magnesium and potassium-magnesium coefficient than in the comparison group. Conclusion: women with poor uterine contraction strength experience changes in the macro- and microelement composition of blood serum. The results obtained may point at the causes of impaired myometrium affectability and contractility in these patients.
Комиссарова, А. Ю. Случай манифестации острого миелоидного лейкоза у подростка на фоне коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19 / А. Ю. Комиссарова (Гомель), О. Л. Тумаш (Гомель) // Журнал инфектологии [Санкт-Петербург]. – 2023. – Т. 15, № 3. – С. 136–140.(Acute myeloid leukemia manifestation case in a teenager during COVID-19 coronavirus infection) This clinical case describes the manifestation of acute myeloid leukemia during a severe COVID-19 coronavirus infection in a teenage patient. The data of the patient’s examinations, medical and disease history were studied and analyzed, and the available scientific literature on the link between COVID-19 and the manifestation of leukemia was analyzed. COVID-19 coronavirus infection with acute myeloid leukemia was severe, with respiratory failure and the involvement of more than 90% of the lungs in the pathological process based on the computer tomography. The changes observed in peripheral blood did not have specific changes and only indirectly pointed at unfavorable premorbid background. The clinical case reflects the likelihood of simultaneously having COVID-19 coronavirus infection and other acute severe diseases.
Заболеваемость Ph-негативными хроническими миелопроли-феративными заболеваниями в Республике Беларусь / В. Н. Мартинков (Гомель), Д. К. Новик (Гомель), И. В. Веялкин (Гомель), А. Е. Силин (Гомель), И. А. Искров (Минск) // Гематология и трансфузиология [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 68, № 3. – С. 363–372.(The incidence of Ph-negative chronic myeloproliferative diseases in the Republic of Belarus) Introduction. Ph-negative chronic myeloproliferative diseases (CMDs) are chronic clonal diseases characterized by proliferation of mature cells from one or more myeloid cell lines and comprising polycythemia vera (PV), essential thrombocythemia (ET), and primary myelofibrosis (PMF). The incidence of Ph-negative CMDs varies between countries of the world, differences can be associated with both population-geographical characteristics and differences in diagnostic and accounting methods. Purpose. To determine the primary incidence of Ph-negative CMD in Belarus. Materials and methods. All cases of newly diagnosed major Ph-negative MPDs (PV, ET, and PMF) for 2014-2018 were obtained at the central regional hematological medical institutions of Belarus. Epidemiological analysis of the primary incidence of the population was carried out by determining the “gross” incidence per 100,000 people per year, with distribution by sex and age groups, standardized incidence rates, and the rate of average annual increase in incidence. Results. The overall standardized incidence of major Ph-negative CMDs in Belarus was 1.96 (1.86-2.07), PV 0.93 (0.86-1.01), ET 0.63 (0.57-0.70) and PMF 0.40 (0.36-0.45) per 100,000 people per year, respectively. The total “gross” incidence was 3.26 (3.10-3.43) per 100,000 people per year. The indicators of “gross” morbidity grew with an increase in the age of patients, maximum values were achieved in the age group of 70-74 years – 12.78 (10.97-14.81) per 100,000 people per year. There were no significant changes in incidence during the study period, both in general and for each of the studied diseases separately. Conclusion. The incidence of Ph-negative MPD in Belarus is comparable to that determined in population-based studies in other countries.
Урологические нарушения при адренолейкодистрофии / адреномиелонейропатии / Н. В. Худякова, И. Ю. Пчелин, А. Н. Шишкин, С. О. Мазуренко, В. А. Воловникова, Н. В. Иванов, В. В. Смирнов, О. Н. Василькова (Гомель) // Нефрология [Санкт-Петербург]. – 2023. – Т. 27, № 4. – С. 34–42.(Urological disorders in adrenoleukodystrophy / adrenomyeloneuropathy) Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is the most common peroxisomal disease of X-linked recessive inheritance caused by a mutation in the ABCD 1 gene located on chromosome Xq28. A characteristic feature of ALD is the lack of correlation between genotype and phenotype. Depending on the time of onset, the main manifestations, and the rate of symptom progression, there are 6 main forms of the disease, but the most common is adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN). When carefully examining patients with AMI, in most cases it is possible to identify urological pathology manifested by overactive bladder in both sexes and hypogonadism in men, which are hidden behind other numerous neurological symptoms and often remain undiagnosed. To date, there are few works devoted to the peculiarities of pathogenesis, clinical course, diagnosis and treatment of this pathology in ALD. In this article, we reviewed the current literature data on neurogenic bladder dysfunction and hypogonadism in ALD.
История судебно-медицинской экспертизы Беларуси в советский период (1918–1991) / А. М. Тетюев (Минск), В. К. Кирвель (Минск), Н. И. Славина (Минск), В. В. Семенов (Минск) // Судебно-медицинская экспертиза [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 66, № 6. – С. 59–64.(History of forensic medical examination service in Belarus in the Soviet period (1918-1991)) The article presents a part of historical path (1918-1991) of forensic medical examination in the Republic of Belarus, the history of origin, formation and development of forensic medical service and the academical departments of forensic medicine in the BSSR. The creation date of the state forensic medical service on the territory of Belarus can be considered as 3 of July 1918 yr. Since then, the service has passed from the judicial and administrative subdivision of the department of public healthcare of Executive Committee of Vitebsk Council of Workers, Peasant and Red Army Deputies (1918), the department of forensic medicine of the PCH of the BSSR (1919), forensic medical department at the Central Chemical and Biological Station of the PCH of the BSSR (1921) to the Institute of Scientific and Forensic Examination of the BSSR (1929), Central Forensic Medical Laboratory of the PCH of the BSSR (1931) and Republican Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination under the Ministry of Healthcare of the BSSR (1952). The historical stages of the existence of the forensic medical service and its state organizations in the BSSR were following: 1) stage of origin (1918-1922); 2) stage of formation (1921-1941, 1946-1952); 3) stage of development (1952). The main forensic medical experts, who made a significant contribution to the origin, formation and development of forensic medical examination in the territory of Belarus were V.F. Chervakov (1930-1939), S.A. Prilutskiy (1939-1941, 1946-1960), V.K. Steshits (1961-1977) and S.S. Maksimov (from 1977).
Байко, С. В. Атипичный гемолитико-уремический синдром у детей, ассоциированный с антителами к фактору Н: клинические проявления, диагностика и лечение / С. В. Байко (Минск) // Педиатрия. Журнал имени Г. Н. Сперанского [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 102, № 6. – С. 88–104.(Anti-factor H antibody associated atypical hemolytic-uremic syndrome in children: clinical profile, diagnosis, treatment) Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) refers to one of the forms of thrombotic microangiopathy occurring with preferred damage to the kidneys. About 10% of all cases of aHUS in children are aHUS associated with antibodies to complement factor H (CFH-Ab-aHUS). In 90% of cases CFH-Ab-aHUS is represented by DEAP-HUS (Deficiency of Complement Factor H Related (CFHR) plasma proteins and Autoantibody Positive Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome) with a predominant deficiency of CFHR1, most often due to a homozygous deletion of CFHR3/CFHR1. CFH-Ab-aHUS is characterized by the age of onset of the disease of 4 to 12 years old; the presence of a prodrome, more often associated with gastrointestinal disorders such as vomiting and abdominal pain, less often diarrhea; relapsing course with a high risk in the first 6 months from the onset of the disease, a high proportion of adverse outcomes: death of the patient.
Волчек, В. С. Анализ информированности населения о скрининге рака / В. С. Волчек (Гомель), Т. М. Шаршакова (Гомель) // Онкология. Журнал имени  П. А. Герцена [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 12, № 6. – С. 38–42.
(Analysis of population awareness of cancer screening)
Objective. To determine the level of awareness of the population of Gomel region about cancer screening. Material and methods. The study was conducted according to the questionnaire developed to determine the level of awareness of the population about cancer screening. The survey involved 3500 respondents from all parts of the Gomel region, including 2351 women and 1149 men. The majority of respondents have secondary education (49.46%), followed by those with higher education (41.86%) and incomplete higher education (8.69%). The average age of the respondents is 24.6±11.4 years. Statistica 12.0 software package was used for statistical processing of the data, various methods were applied, including nonparametric and parametric criteria with a significance level of p<0.05. Results. The conducted questionnaire survey showed that the majority of respondents (from 66 to 97.23%) realize the importance of cancer screening for early detection of cancer. However, only 15.17% of the respondents confirmed their experience of getting screened. The age of the respondents significantly influenced the screening activity. Cervical cancer screening (53.27%) and human papillomavirus testing (22.92%) were the most frequent activities of the respondents. The majority (88.58%) of invitations to screening came from district general practitioners. However, a significant proportion of respondents (71.6%) felt that they did not have enough information about cancer screening. Conclusion. The conducted study showed that although the majority of respondents realize the importance of screening for early detection of cancer, only a small proportion of them have undergone such examination, the reasons for this being different. For instance, most of the respondents stated that they would have undergone screening if they were granted work exemption for this purpose. Thus, to attract more people to undergo cancer screening, organizational measures such as increasing public awareness of the goals and objectives of screening, improving access to screening, and facilitating the screening process are needed.
Морфологические и функциональные характеристики щитовидной железы при диет-индуцированном ожирении и его коррекции у крыс самцов Вистар / Т. А. Митюкова (Минск), Т. Е. Кузнецова (Минск), А. А. Басалай (Минск), Е. Н. Чудиловская (Минск), О. Е. Полулях (Минск), Я. В. Щербаков (Минск), Т. А. Хрусталев (Минск) // Патологическая физиология и экспериментальная терапия [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 67, № 4. – С. 47–55.(Morphological and functional characteristics of the thyroid gland in diet-induced obesity and its correction in male wistar rats) Obesity causes numerous endocrine and metabolic disorders. However, the issues of drug-free correction of obesity and thyroid dysfunction are insufficiently studied. The aim was to study the morpho-functional state of the thyroid gland in diet-induced obesity and possibilities of its drug-free correction in male Wistar rats. The experiments were performed in six groups of male Wistar rats: 1) Standard diet (StD) for 16 wks (Control group) 2) Нigh-calorie diet (HCD) for 16 wks (HCD group); 3) HCD for 8 wks with switching to StD (HCD/StD group) for 8 wks; 4) StD for 16 wks with treadmill running during the last 8 wks (StD+running group); 5) HCD for 16 wks with running during the last 8 wks (HCD+running group); 6) HCD for 8 wks followed by StD for 8 wks with running during the last 8 wks (HCD/StD+running group). Body weight, visceral fat, morphological characteristics of thyroid tissue (TG), thyroperoxidase (TPO) activity, triglyceride (TG) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) content in TG tissue, and serum levels of thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) were assessed. Results. HCD resulted in visceral obesity and thyroid histostructural abnormalities typical of hypofunction. Blood serum T4 increased, but, at the same time, TPO activity tended to decrease along with an increase in thyroid TG and a decrease in thyroid IL-6. After transition from HCD to StD, successful correction of obesity and normalization of thyroid function were achieved. The most complete recovery of TPO activity and other metabolic processes in the thyroid tissue was noted in the combined correction of obesity with treadmill running. Conclusion. Visceral diet-induced obesity is accompanied by an increase in blood T4. However, morphological and biochemical signs of reduced metabolic processes in thyroid tissue develop. Successful correction of visceral obesity restores thyroid structure and function.
Два случая pelvic translucency при аноректальной атрезии у плодов с синдромом Дауна / И. В. Новикова (Минск), О. А. Тарлецкая (Минск), Н. А. Венчикова (Минск), Э. И. Мараховская (Минск) // Пренатальная диагностика [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 22, № 4. – С. 312–316.(Two cases of pelvic translucency in anorectal atresia in fetuses with Down syndrome ) Early ultrasonographic signs of anorectal atresia in fetuses with Down syndrome are described. In the first case, an 8.4-mm cystic mass, considered as a mega-cystis, was detected at 11+3 weeks’ gestation. In the second case, an echonegative elongated mass measuring 12 x 4 mm was visualized in the lower abdomen of the fetus behind the bladder at 12 weeks of age. The distal end of the mass, 1.2 mm in diameter, was visualized in the perineal area. The diagnosis of anorectal atresia was established during post-abortion pathologic examination.
Новикова, И. В. Три случая пренатальной диагностики атрезии гортани у плодов II триместра / И. В. Новикова (Минск), Н. А. Венчикова (Минск) // Пренатальная диагностика [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 22, № 4. – С. 346–353.(Three cases of prenatal diagnosis of laryngeal atresia in fetuses of the second trimester) Three cases of laryngeal atresia in fetuses aborted in the second trimester of pregnancy are described. In one case, laryngeal atresia was combined with tracheal agenesis. Ultrasound findings in all cases were hydrocele, ascites, and bilateral hyperechogenicity of the fetal lungs. The diagnosis of laryngeal atresia was confirmed by post-abortion pathologic examination.
Распространенность интернет и экранной зависимости среди молодежи на территории Республики Беларусь / А. С. Малмыгин (Минск), Т. В. Докукина (Минск), С. А. Игуминов (Минск), Д. Э. Ежиков (Минск), Т. В. Тихонович (Минск), В. Н. Шаденко (Минск), А. С. Шапаревич (Минск) // Наркология [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 22, № 12. – С. 15–21.
(Prevalence of Internet and screen addiction among young people in the Republic of Belarus)
A study of the prevalence of Internet addiction among minors was conducted by means of an online questionnaire directly among parents (legal representatives) of primary and high school students. A total of 341 schools in the country were involved. A total of 88,257 parents of elementary and high school students participated in the study. Of these, 38,384 were representatives of children of primary school students from all regions and the city of Minsk, and 49,873 were representatives of high school students. Internet addiction is observed to a greater extent among boys than among girls. As they grow older, the expression of addictive behavior weakens.
Цитотоксическая активность феназиновых соединений Pseudomonas chlororaphis subsp. aurantiaca в отношении культуры клеток HeLa / А. А. Жизневская (Минск), А. А. Лукашевич (Минск), Н. П. Максимова (Минск), Е. Г. Веремеенко (Минск) // Молекулярная генетика, микробиология и вирусология [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 41, № 4. – С. 3–9.
(Cytotoxic activity of phenazine compounds Pseudomonas chlororaphis subsp. aurantiaca in relation to HeLa cell culture)
The cytotoxic activity of phenazine compounds of different strains of bacteria Pseudomonas chlororaphis subsp. aurantiaca against the cervical adenocarcinoma cell line HeLa was studied. The cytotoxic concentrations of phenazine against HeLa cell line were found to be 300 μg/mL. Cytologic preparations of HeLa cells after treatment with phenazines were obtained, which demonstrate the presence of apoptotic cells. It is shown that the effect of phenazines on HeLa cells leads to changes in the expression of ABC-transporter genes (abed and abcg2) and tp53. The activity of the latter increases almost 13-fold, while the expression of abed and abcg2 genes decreases. Activation of tp53 is probably one of the reasons for apoptotic cell death of HeLa cells in the presence of phenazine compounds in the bacteria P. chlororaphis subsp. aurantiaca.
Особенности ведения цистита в амбулаторной терапевтической практике / Д. С. Суханов, В. А. Филиппович (Гродно), Ю. С. Алексеева, Е. В. Тимофеев // Лечащий врач [Москва]. – 2024. – Т. 27, № 1. – С. 21–26.
(Features of cystitis management in outpatient therapeutic practic)
Cystitis is one of the most common urinary tract infections undergoing treatment on an outpatient basis. In Russia, up to 36 million cases of the disease are registered annually. The main causative agent of uncomplicated cystitis, detected in 75% of cases, is E. coli, in the remaining cases, the etiological agents are S. saprophyticus, Klebsiella spp. and a number of enterobacteria, extremely rare – anaerobic microorganisms, chlamydia and ureaplasma. The article discusses predisposing factors and the pathogenesis of acute uncomplicated cystitis. Results. The aim of treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis is rapid eradication of the pathogen, leading to clinical and microbiological recovery, as well as prevention of relapses of the disease. Uncomplicated acute cystitis in most cases is treated in outpatient settings. The basis of pharmacotherapy of acute cystitis is antibacterial drugs. The appointment of an antibacterial drug is carried out empirically when the symptoms of the disease are detected, taking into account the alleged etiology of cystitis and the clinical and pharmacological characteristics of the drug, with mandatory consideration of the current state of antibiotic resistance. The optimal choice of the drug and the antibiotic therapy regimen contributes to a faster recovery and a reduction in the risk of chronic disease. Conclusion. Detailed information about the existing regimens of antibiotic therapy for acute cystitis is presented in the article, as well as the main indications for the appointment of antibacterial drugs. The results of studies on the effectiveness of the drug cefixime in the treatment of acute uncomplicated cystitis, including the cystitis of pregnant women, are analyzed.
Сравнительный анализ эффективности лечения транссфинктерных свищей заднего прохода различными методами / Э. В. Денисенко (Витебск), В. Л. Денисенко (Витебск), Ю. М. Гаин (Минск), К. Г. Цыплаков (Витебск), Г. Д. Коробов (Витебск) // Колопроктология [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 22, № 3. – С. 70–74.
(Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the treatment of transsphincter anal fistulas by various methods)
Aim: to assess the effectiveness late results of laser technologies in the treatment of anal fistulas compared with traditional methods (excision of the fistula followed by ligature, excision of the fistula followed by restoration of the sphincter). Patients and methods: a single-center retrospective study included 150 patients. Patients underwent 3 variants of surgical intervention. In the first group (50 patients), the fistula was treated with laser technology. In the 2nd group (50 patients), the fistula was excised followed by seton, in the 3rd group (50 patients), the fistula was excised followed by sphincteroplasty. Quality of life (according to the SF-36 school), as well as differences in the proportion of relapses on the 180th day after the surgery was carried out. RESULTS: it was revealed that higher indicators of the components of physical health (PH) (F = 11260.72 p < 0.001), as well as mental health (MN) (F = 10459.6 p < 0.001) were detected in the group of patients treated with laser technology. The calculation of significant differences in the observation groups showed that with the number of observations more than the specified one, it is possible to state a decrease in the number of relapses with the laser treatment method by 2.2 times compared with traditional methods. Conclusion: laser technology for anal fistulas is a progressive method that provides a significant reduce of recurrence rate, as well as improving the quality of life of patients in late postoperative period.
Экономическое бремя инвазивной менингококковой инфекции у детей в Республике Беларусь / Е. Н. Сергиенко (Минск), И. Н. Кожанова (Минск), О. Н. Романова (Минск), А. Д. Солодов (Минск), П. А. Скутова (Минск) // Эпидемиология и вакцинопрофилактика [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 22, № 6. – С. 99–107.
(Economic Burden of Invasive Meningococcal Infection in Children in the Republic of Belarus.
Relevance Invasive meningococcal infection (IMI) is a significant clinical problem and is associated with a high probability of severe complications and death. Vaccination programs against meningococcus can achieve significant clinical effectiveness and require significant financial costs. This makes it relevant to study the economic burden of meningococcal infection in the conditions of modern healthcare in order to obtain basic data for subsequent research in the field of evaluation of medical technologies. Aims. To assess the economic burden of IMI in children in the conditions of healthcare in the Republic of Belarus Material and methods: a retrospective study using the “cost of illness” method was conducted for 22 children hospitalized in the city children’s infectious clinical diseases hospital in 2018-2019. All values are presented in belarusian rubles. The average ± standard deviation, minimum – maximum values, median [Q1, Q3], cost shares (%) are calculated for the cost values. The minimum– maximum values and median [Q1, Q3] were calculated for the age of the patients. Results: taking into account the costs of treatment in healthcare organizations of all patients studied, the share of direct costs of hospitalization was 29.0%, the share of direct costs of diagnosis – 7.2%, the share of direct costs of pharmacotherapy – 8.3%. A significant part of the costs accounted for observations after discharge and amounted to 55.4%. Conclusion: a retrospective study of the economic burden of MI in the Republic of Belarus using the “cost of illness” method in patients hospitalized in a public health organization demonstrates a significant economic burden of this disease, which in the long term is primarily due to the presence of complications in the patient, as well as the impact of the patient’s death on the value of total costs. The data obtained can be used in conducting national research on the evaluation of medical technologies.
Роль ИЛ-25, ИЛ-33 и TSLP в развитии кортикостероидной резистентности / А. С. Порошина, Н. Н. Шершакова, И. П. Шиловский, А. Г. Кадушкин (Минск), А. Д. Таганович (Минск), Г. О. Гудима, М. Р. Хаитов // Иммунология [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 44, № 4. – С. 500–510.
(Role of IL-25, IL-33 and TSLP in the development of corticosteroid resistance)
There are a number of protocols for the treatment of allergy, including treatment with glucocorticosteroids. However, it is worth noting that ~ 10 % of patients do not respond well to this type of therapy. In view of this, the search and study of new targets not only for the treatment of allergic diseases, but also for the prevention of the development of corticosteroid resistance in patients seems relevant. A number of cytokines described in the literature, including IL-25, IL-33 and TSLP are involved in the mechanism of allergic disease development, for example by contributing to Th2-cell activation and initiation of pro-infl ammatory cascades, and some of them can influence the appearance of corticosteroid resistance. This review provides information on what we believe to be relevant therapeutic targets that would increase the efficacy of allergy therapy, including by reducing the risks of the development of said resistance.
Оценка эффективности 9 и 6-месячных режимов лечения пациентов с множественно лекарственно-устойчивым или рифампицин-устойчивым туберкулезом в Республике Беларусь / Н. В. Яцкевич (Минск), Э. Гурбанова, Г. Л. Гуревич (Минск), Е. М. Скрягина (Минск) // Туберкулез и болезни легких [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 101, № 6. – С. 34–41.
(Evaluation of Safety of 9 and 6-Month Treatment Regimens in Patients with Rifampicin-Resistant Tuberculosis in the Republic of Belarus)
The objective: to evaluate the safety of 39and 24-week treatment regimens in the patients with rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis (RR-TB). Subjects and Methods. Cohorts of patients with RR-TB were treated with the following regimens: 550 patients received modified short course treatment regimens (mSCT), and 139 patients were treated with BPaLM regimen. Serious adverse events (SAEs) and adverse events of special interest (AESI) of grade 3 or higher were assessed according to the EndTB Severity Grading Scale, Version 5. Results. In mSCT cohort, 113 SAEs were reported, in BPaLM cohort, 12 SAEs were reported, at least 1 SAE was reported in 16.0% and 7.2% of patients, respectively. In mSCT cohort, 37 AESI were reported in 5.8% of patients. Of the 150 SAEs/AESI reported in mSCT cohort, 78.7% have resolved, 4.0% are being resolved, 0.7% have resolved with sequelae, and 2.7% have not resolved. Of the 12 SAEs in BPaLM cohort, 66.7% have resolved, 16.7% are being resolved, and 8.3% have resolved with sequelae. Drugs were discontinued in 16.8% of SAEs, 8.1% of AESI in mSCT cohort, and 25.0% of SAEs in BPaLM cohort. In mSCT cohort, 21 patients died during treatment, only in 6 patients the influence of anti-tuberculosis drugs on the fatal outcome could not be ruled out, in 15 cases there was no such a correlation. In BPaLM cohort, 1 patient died due to progression of concomitant cancer. Conclusions. SAEs/AESI rarely occur with mSCT and BPaLM regimens and rarely lead to treatment discontinuation. Appropriate monitoring and management of SAEs/AESI is an important component of clinical practice.
Клеточная терапия аутологичными мезенхимальными стромальными клетками у пациентов с лекарственно-устойчивым туберкулезом легких / В. В. Солодовникова (Минск), А. Е. Скрягин (Минск), Я. И. Исайкина (Минск), Д. А. Климук (Минск), Г. Л. Гуревич (Минск), Е. М. Скрягина (Минск) // Туберкулез и болезни легких [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 101, № 6. – С. 74–80.
(Cell therapy with autologous mesenchymal stromal cells in patients with drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis)
Objective: to evaluate the efficacy of autologous mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) in patients with drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis (DR-TB). Materials and Methods. The study included 120 patients aged 18 to 61 years with DR-TB who were treated at the state institution “Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Pulmonology and Phthisiology” from 2009 to 2018. Against the background of antituberculosis treatment, patients (60 people) of the main group (MG) underwent bone marrow sampling and then intravenous injection of autologous MSCs. Results. The average dose of administered cells amounted to 1×106 per kg of patient’s body weight. The average duration of MSC cultivation was 35 days. The treatment efficacy in MG was 90% compared to 71% in the control group (CG). All patients successfully cured of tuberculosis (TB) using autologous MSCs had no TB recurrences during 5 years of follow-up. In the control group, there were 8 (19%) cases of relapse. In MG compared to CG, the rates of cavity closure and no relapse were statistically significantly better. Conclusion. Application of autologous MSCs in patients with DR-TB showed high efficacy.
Вертебрально-базилярная недостаточность, вызванная экстравазальной компрессией позвоночной артерии во втором сегменте / Д. В. Турлюк (Минск), Н. А. Роговой (Минск), В. Я. Хрыщанович (Минск), И. П. Климчук (Минск) // Журнал неврологии и психиатрии имени С. С. Корсакова [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 123, № 12. – С. 109–115.
(Vertebrobasilar insufficiency caused by extravasal compression of the vertebral artery in the second segment)
Objective: To develop indications for surgical treatment for positional disorders of blood flow in the vertebral-basilar territory caused by the damage to the V2-V3 segment of the vertebral artery (VA) >Material and methods: One hundred and fourteen patients with systemic and non-systemic dizziness were studied. To assess the state of the VA, blood circulation of the posterior cranial fossa and the base of the brain, ultrasound duplex scanning of blood vessels, selective angiography, MRI, single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of the brain and neuropsychological testing were performed. Patients were divided into three groups according to the severity of clinical manifestations of vertebrobasilar insufficiency (VBI). Results: According to ultrasound data, patients of the third group with severe VBI had signs of extravasal compression in 94.3% of cases. In the same group, there was an increase in the systolic-diastolic (S/D) ratio by more than 2.5-3 times, as well as an increase in the resistive index (RI) by more than 1.75 units and pulsation index (PI) more than 2.2 units in V2-V3 segments of VA. In 42.9% of patients of the third group, zones of a decrease in the accumulation of 99mTc-ECD by more than 20% were found in the occipital region during the De Klein test. A direct correlation was established between the clinical manifestations of VBI and a decrease in perfusion during SPECT by 20% or more with the De Klein test (r=0.7). We developed an algorithm for diagnosing high-grade VBI with subsequent identification of a causal relationship with extravasal component effects on VA in the second segment. Indications for surgical intervention were determined in 33 patients with clinical manifestations of blood flow decompensation in the posterior cranial fossa. Conclusion: Decreased blood flow velocity in the vertebral or basilar artery by more than 50% with a decrease in PI, breath holding index <0.7 in the hypercapnic test, and no increase in blood flow velocity in a phototest and, in addition, the >20% defect of 99mTc-ECD accumulation in the posterior parts of the brain during SPECT with a De Klein test are the criteria for decompensation of blood flow in the vertebral-basilar territory, requiring surgical correction.
Долгосрочное влияние нетакимаба на качество жизни, боль в спине и работоспособность пациентов с анкилозирующим спондилитом: результаты международного многоцентрового рандомизированного двойного слепого клинического исследования III фазы BCD-085-5/ASTERA / Н. Г. Погосян, А. Б. Демина, Е. М. Агафонова, Ш. Ф. Эрдес, В. И. Мазуров, И. З. Гайдукова, А. М. Пристром (Минск), Е. В. Кундер (Минск), Н. Ф. Сорока (Минск), А. А. Кастанаян, Т. В Поварова, Е. С. Жугрова, Т. В. Плаксина, П. А. Шестерня, Т. В. Кропотина, О. В. Антипова, Е. А. Смолярчук, Ю. А. Цюпа, Д. И. Абдулганиева, С. А. Лапшина, Д. Г. Кречикова, И. Г. Гордеев, О. Б. Несмеянова, В. В. Тыренко, Е. П. Иливанова, А. В. Стрелкова // Современная ревматология [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 17, № 6. – С. 52–58.
(Long-term effects of netakimab on health-related quality of life, back pain and work productivity in patients with ankylosing spondylitis: results of the international, multicentre, randomized double-blind phase III clinical trial BCD-085-5/ASTERA)
The article contains the data obtained during the 156-week follow-up of patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) in the ASTERA phase III study. Objective: to evaluate the effect impact of netakimab (NTK) on quality of life (QoL), back pain and work capacity in patients with active AS. Material and methods. The study enrolled 228 patients with active AS who were randomized 1:1 to receive NTK 120 mg or placebo. At week 52, patients in Group 1 (NTK) who achieved ASAS20 continued therapy (NTK at a dose of 120 mg once every 2 weeks) until week 156. Patients in Group 2 (placebo/NTK) received the study drug at a dose of 120 mg subcutaneously every 2 weeks from week 20 until week 68, after which the efficacy of therapy was determined (by achieving an ASAS20 response). Patients who achieved ASAS20 received treatment (NTK at a dose of 120 mg once every 2 weeks) until week 172. Results and discussion. Under NTK therapy, a significant improvement in QoL was observed in the assessment of the physical and psychological components of the SF-36 questionnaire, which was maintained during the three years of therapy: increase in indicator by 12.68±9.92; 13.27±10.14; 12.92±10.03; 14.10±10.35; 14.76±9.77 and 6.10±11.59; 5.50±11.82; 6.32±11.01; 5.87±11.45; 5.25±11.98 points at week 52, 76, 104, 128 and 156, respectively. During the extended therapy period, a reduction in the proportion of working hours missed for health reasons, an improvement in work capacity and work efficiency and an increase in daily activity were observed. Back pain (BASDAI question 2) and nocturnal back pain decreased steadily during the entire follow-up period compared to the screening values. Conclusion. NTK is an effective therapy for active AS that improves QoL scores, significantly reduces pain intensity and improves work productivity.
Фармакотерапия глаукомы с точки зрения доказательной медицины / В. Н. Федоров, В. П. Вдовиченко (Гродно), М. К. Корсаков, В. В. Страхов, А. А. Попова, А. Л. Хохлов, С. Ш. Сулейманов // Качественная клиническая практика [Москва]. – 2023. – № 3. – С. 44–54.
(Pharmacotherapy of glaucoma in terms of evidence-based medicine)
Glaucoma is a disease associated with increased intraocular pressure (IOP). Of the pharmacological agents for treating glaucoma, there are drugs of the first (most effective and safe) and second-line treatment. First-line treatment includes prostaglandin analogs and beta-blockers. The currently used prostaglandin analogs (latanoprost, bimatoprost, tafluprost and travoprost) are PG F2α analogs that act through stimulation of FP receptors. They are distinguished by the optimal ratio of effectiveness and risk of side effects. They are convenient for the patient because for the therapeutic effect, it is enough to prescribe 1 time per day. As a result, it is rational to start the treatment of glaucoma with a drug in this group. In terms of pharmacoeconomics, the most affordable prostaglandin drug is latanoprost, which is generally as effective as other prostaglandin analogs. β-adrenergic blockers reduce the production of intraocular fluid, the formation of which is controlled by β1- and β2-adrenergic receptors. Therefore, non-selective β-blockers (timolol, levobunolol, metipranolol, and carteolol) have a pharmacodynamic advantage over selective β1-adrenergic antagonists (betaxolol). Conducted clinical studies of β-blockers have shown that given the cost, efficacy and safety, timolol was the most preferable treatment for glaucoma. In the presence of medical contraindications to the use of first-line drugs or to enhance their effectiveness, α2-agonists (apraclonidine and brimonidine), carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (usually local action: dorzolamide and brinzolamide), M-cholinomimetics (pilocarpine, carbachol and echothiopate), and also Rho-kinase inhibitors (ripasudil).
Воронецкий, А. Н. Патогистологическая характеристика стриктуры пищевода при каустическом ожоге у детей / А. Н. Воронецкий (Минск), О. В. Гуленко (Минск) // Хирургия. Журнал имени Н. И. Пирогова [Москва]. – 2023. – № 12. – С. 43–51.
(Histological evaluation of esophageal stricture in children with caustic burn)
To analyze histological features of esophageal strictures in children with chemical burn following ingestion of household products containing sodium (potassium) hypochlorite, sodium (potassium) hydroxide. Material and methods: We analyzed 3 children with complicated caustic esophageal burns. Children at the time of swallowing the caustic were 26.3±4.1 months. Multiple dilatations of esophageal stricture were ineffective. Therefore, extirpation or subtotal resection of the esophagus and esophagocoloplasty were performed. We stained specimens using hematoxylin and eosin, as well as Masson’s trichrome. Results: Severe esophageal burns caused by sodium (potassium) hydroxide and/or sodium hypochlorite are followed by irreversible tissue lesions and non-dilatable stricture. Strictures are localized in the areas of physiological narrowing of the esophagus. The longest stricture follows ingestion of liquid substance. Histological properties include atrophy of glands and mucous membrane, muscle layer substitution by connective tissue and diffuse sclerosis of esophageal wall. Conclusion: Non-dilatable esophageal stricture following caustic burn in children is due to irreversible morphological lesion of esophageal wall with mucous layer atrophy and sclerosis of all layers.