Belarusian authors’ publications in foreign periodicals: 1st quarter of 2023

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FOXО1-негативная альвеолярная рабдомиосаркома: описание случая редкой опухоли / В. Д. Белобокова (Минский р-н, д. Боровляны), К. О. Кальченко (Минский р-н, д. Боровляны), Т. М. Михалевская (Минский р-н, д. Боровляны), Д. В. Кочубинский (Минский р-н, д. Боровляны), М. В. Белевцев (Минский р-н, д. Боровляны), Л. П. Киселев (Минский р-н, д. Боровляны) // Вопросы гематологии/онкологии и иммунопатологии в педиатрии [Москва]. – 2022. – Т. 21, № 4. – С. 105–110. – Библиогр.: 10 назв..(FOXO1-negative alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma: a case report of a rare tumor) The results of modern research confirm the importance of an accurate assessment of the molecular pathogenesis of soft tissue tumors. The use of next-generation sequencing can be effective both for finding targets for targeted therapy and predicting aggressive behavior of tumors, and for clarifying the diagnosis in non-standard cases. Here, we report a case of FOXO1-negative alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma in a 3-year-old child. To verify the diagnosis of this patient, we used high-throughput sequencing. Using the Trusight Tumor 170 gene panel (Illumina, USA), we carried out molecular genetic testing of the patient’s tumor sample and discovered a rare NZD1-FGFR4 translocation that had not been previously reported to occur in alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma. The patient’s parents gave their consent to the use of their child’s data, including photographs, for research purposes and in publications
Аленикова, О. А. Особенности зрительных, когнитивных и нейровизуализационных изменений при нарушениях инициации ходьбы у пациентов с болезнью Паркинсона / О. А. Аленикова (Минск), М. Н. Дымковская (Минск) // Журнал неврологии и психиатрии им. С. С. Корсакова [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 123, № 1. – С. 59–66. – Библиогр.: 21 назв.(Features of visual, cognitive and neuroimaging changes in Parkinson’s disease patients with freezing of gait) Objective: To determine visual and cognitive impairments in relation to MRI changes in patients with freezing of Gait (FOG) in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Material and methods: We examined 78 patients with PD without dementia, who were divided into groups according to the presence (FOG«+» group) or absence (FOG«-» group) of «freezing» episodes. Results: A decrease in contrast sensitivity (CS) and retinal photosensitivity was determined in all subjects with PD, but in patients with FOG, the decrease in CS was more pronounced. There was a significant decrease in the volume of the cuneus, lingual gyrus, posterior cingulate gyrus, superior parietal lobe and middle frontal gyrus in the FOG«+» group. It was revealed that patients with FOG had cognitive impairments of both the frontal and posterior cortical subtypes, while in the FOG«-» group, only visuospatial deficit prevailed. A direct correlation was determined between the severity of FOG and part I of the UPDRS scale, between a decrease in CS and cortical areas related to the dorsal and ventral visual information processing systems. The presence of a negative relationship between the scores of the FOG-Q, Timed Up and Go test and the volume of cortical areas of the frontal lobe responsible for planning and programming of movements indicates their role in the development of FOG in PD. Conclusion: Thus, visual impairments associated with PD, along with a heterogeneous profile of cognitive impairment, make a significant contribution to the development of FOG.
Анализ степени поражения левого желудочка у пациентов с бивентрикулярным фенотипом аритмогенной кардиомиопатии: описание серии случаев / С. М. Комиссарова (Минск), А. А. Ефимова (Минск), Н. Н. Чакова (Минск), Т. В. Долматович (Минск), Е. С. Ребеко (Минск), Л. И. Плащинская (Минск), В. Ч. Барсукевич (Минск), А. А. Гусина (Минск) // Евразийский кардиологический журнал [Москва]. – 2023. – № 1. – С. 78–85. – Библиогр.: 13 назв.(Analysis of the left ventricular involvement in patients with a biventricular phenotype of arrhythmogenic ardiomyopathy: a case series description) Aim. To assess the prevalence of the left ventricle involvement and the features of the biventricular phenotype of arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy in patients with pathogenic mutations in the PKP2 and DSP genes. Material and methods. Three unrelated probands underwent a comprehensive molecular-genetic, clinical and instrumental examination, which included a 12-lead ECG, 24-hour ECG monitoring, transthoracic echocardiography, and cardiac magnetic resonance imaging with late gadolinium enhancement. Results. The results of our clinical observations showed that in three studied patients with arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy left ventricle involvement of various degree was found. The left ventricle damage was characterized by fibrous or fibro-fatty infiltration of the myocardium, as well as regional or global systolic dysfunction of different severity. The patients had pathogenic mutations c.1912C > T (p.Gln638*, rs397517012, rs397517012); c.1237C > T (p.Arg413*, rs372827156) in the PKP2 gene and a new probably pathogenic variant in the form of a c.3494delA deletion in the DSP gene. It was found that the mutation in the DSP gene was associated with a more pronounced systolic dysfunction and a greater percentage of fibrous replacement of the left ventricular myocardium compared with carriers of mutations in the PKP2 gene. All patients had life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias with the need for implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator. Conclusion. Our clinical observations have shown that in patients with biventricular arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, the detection of a mutation in the DSP gene is associated with a more pronounced systolic dysfunction and a higher percentage of fibrous replacement of the left ventricle myocardium compared with carriers of mutations in the PKP2 gene.
Вероятность совершения агрессивных действий лиц с алкогольной зависимостью / И. В. Григорьева (Минск), А. В. Ходжаев (Минск), А. В. Гамова (Минск), С. С. Кононов (Минск) // Наркология [Москва]. – 2022. – Т. 21, № 11. – С. 16–25. – Библиогр.: 14 назв.(Probability of Committing Illegal Actions by Persons with Alcohol Dependence) In this article, a mathematical and statistical forecasting model is built and an algorithm is given for the possible commission of illegal actions by persons with alcohol dependence. Purpose. To analyze the risk factors and the possibility of predicting the commission of illegal actions of persons with alcohol dependence in the penitentiary system. Materials and methods. The study was conducted by employees of the State Institution “Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health” on the basis of the medical and labor dispensary (LTP) No. 1 and No. 5 of the Department of Punishments (DEP) Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus. 200 men aged 24 to 63 were examined. The results were approved by the minutes of the meeting on ethics No. 2 dated August 13, 2019 of the ethics committee of the State Institution “Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health”. The criterion for inclusion in the study was the presence of a diagnosis of alcohol dependence syndrome (F10.2). The sample included persons who committed aggressive and non-aggressive illegal acts, who were and were not prosecuted. The following diagnostic tools were used; Belarusian addiction severity index (Bel-ITA/B- ASI) (Version No. 1) [16]; Method «Types of aggressiveness» L. G. Pochebut (2012) [17]; Diagnostics of interpersonal relations (DIR) [18]; Scales of dysfunctional relationships A. Weissman [19]; Violent risk assessment HCR 20 [20]. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out using the Microsoft statistical package SPSS 19.0. In order to analyze the relationship between the presence of certain criminal records in patients and the variables measured in them (various characteristics or parameters), multiple logistic regression analysis and ROC analysis were carried out. Results. The analysis of risk factors and the possibility of predicting the commission of socially dangerous actions by persons with alcohol dependence in the penitentiary system has shown that the main predictors that may entail measures of legal impact are: living without family; the presence in life of periods of unfair and cruel treatment of the patient and their relative proximity in time; the presence of criminal records and their number; the use of planning as a style of self-regulation of behavior; an increase in the level of the patient’s behavior; the use of planning as a style of self-regulation of behavior; the increase in the level of the patient’s socially dangerous actions.
Видеоассистированное удаление гемангиомы левого желудочка / В. Г. Колбик (Минск), А. М. Махлин (Минск), А. В. Горустович (Минск), И. В. Сахаров (Минск), К. В. Дроздовский (Минск) // Грудная и сердечно-сосудистая хирургия [Москва]. – 2022. – Т. 64, № 5. – С. 539–543. – Библиогр.: 15 назв.(Video-assisted removal of hemangioma of the left ventricle) Cardiac hemangioma is a primary tumor rarely encountered in medical practice. Hemangiomas account for approximately 1 -2% of all primary cardiac tumors operated on. The patient had a mass located at the apex of the left ventricle and was initially thought to be a myxoma. The small-sized tumor, which was difficult to access, was removed using a hybrid technique – using endoscopic instruments under the control of transmittal cardioscopy. After immunohistochemical staining of the surgical material, it was pathohistologically determined that the tumor was a capillary hemangioma. With the widespread use of modern medical imaging tools, asymptomatic cardiac tumors are increasingly being identified and pose a risk of formidable complications. We publish a successful case of removal of a hard-to-reach hemangioma of the left ventricular apex using a hybrid technique.
Вклад вариантов генов семейства глутатионтрансфераз GSTM1, GSTP1, GSTT1 в формирование предрасположенности к раку шейки матки у женщин кыргызской национальности / Ж. Т. Исакова, В. Н. Кипень (Минск), М. А. Юсуфова, К. А. Айтбаев, Н. М. Букуев // Вопросы онкологии [Санкт-Петербург]. – 2022. – Т. 68, № 6. – С. 805–813. – Библиогр.: 34 назв.(Contribution of the GSTM1, GSTP1 and GSTT1 genes polymorphisms from glutationtransferases family to formation of predisposition for cervical cancer in women of Kyrgyz nationality) Aim. Assessment of the contribution of polymorphic locifor genes from glutathione transferases family (GSTM1, GSTP1, GSTT1 genes) and their intergenic interactions to the formation of predisposition to cervical cancer (CС) in women of Kyrgyz nationality. Materials and methods. The study included 191 women of the Kyrgyz ethnic group. Among them there were 95 women with the morphologically verified diagnosis of cervical cancer (СC), and 96 women without oncological diseases in their medical history. Genotyping of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) was performed using PCR-RFLP for rs1695 GSTP1 gene. Deletion polymorphisms in GSTT1 and GSTM1 genes were determined using allele-specific real-time PCR.
Results. Deletion of the GSTM1 gene region was a genetic marker associated with an increased likelihood of developing СС (odds ratio (OR)=2.02, 95% CI 1.28–3.20, p=0.002) among the examined women from Kyrgyzstan. Similar results were obtained for GSTT1 gene — the deletion of the GSTT1 gene region was also a genetic marker associated with an increased likelihood of developing СС (OR=3.04, 95% CI 2.00–4.64, p<0.0001). Analysis of the polymorphic variant p.Ile105Val (GSTP1 gene) did not reveal statistically significant differences in the frequency of genotypes or alleles distribution between cervical cancer patients and women from the comparison group (p>0.05). Conclusions. The results of the present study confirm the association of combined carrier state of particular variants of GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes and higher likelihood of CC development in Kyrgyz women.
Гузик, Е. О. Организация школьного питания в Республике Беларусь / Е. О. Гузик (Минск) // Здоровье населения и среда обитания [Москва]. – 2022. – Т. 30, № 10. – С. 92–100. – Библиогр.: 29 назв.(School Feeding in the Republic of Belarus) Introduction: The relevance of providing healthy nutrition for school-age children, a significant coverage of students with school meals, and an increase in the proportion of children requiring correction of the diet have determined the objective of the study to evaluate school feeding and to substantiate further measures for its improvement. Materials and methods: Twenty-six regulations on school meals adopted from the year 2000 to the present have been analyzed. The study of the eating schedule and the frequency of consumption of certain foodstuffs was carried out based on a survey of 1,975 parents and schoolchildren in grades 5 to 11. The energy value, the content of vitamins and minerals in school breakfasts and home meals of 1,168 fifth graders from the city of Minsk were estimated. Results: The findings show that regulations on school meals have been developed in the republic; dietary nutrition is organized at schools, the material and technical base of school kitchens is constantly being improved, and children are being taught healthy eating skills. At the same time, the analysis of actual nutrition at school and at home indicates malnutrition causing an imbalance in the dietary intake of macro- and micronutrients. Discussion: An effective model of school feeding has been created in the Republic of Belarus. Yet, the current system cannot fully ensure a balanced diet for children. It is therefore important to continue personnel training, monitoring of school meals using modern information technologies, and awareness raising on healthy eating among schoolchildren.
Ищенко, О. В. Влияние аэротоксикантов на выброс цитокинов лейкоцитами при хронических обструктивных заболеваниях легких / О. В. Ищенко (Витебск) // Медицинская иммунология [Санкт-Петербург]. – 2022. – Т. 24, № 6. – С. 1237–1248. – Библиогр.: 44 назв.(Effect of toxic air pollutants on the cytokine release by leukocytes in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) Chronic inflammation in obstructive pulmonary disease develops in genetically predisposed individuals with prolonged or massive exposure to allergens or toxic air pollutants. This effect leads to hyperactivation of immune system and development of uncontrolled inflammatory response. The aim of the study was to determine the level of cytokines in the supernatant of leukocytes from the patients with COPD and asthma following incubation with air toxicants, i.e., a solution of cigarette smoke, an extract of cigarette tobacco, or a solution of exhaust combustion gases. The cytokines were determined by ELISA in the supernatants following exposure of peripheral venous blood leukocytes to the toxicants. To perform the assays, 10-mL samples of peripheral venous blood from the patients were taken into the test tubes with heparin (20 U/mL) in the morning time, not earlier than 2 days after therapeutic infusions of glucocorticosteroids. After gravity sedimentation, the leukocyte-rich was removed, centrifuged at 1500 rpm, then the liquid was discarded, and the leukocyte pellets were diluted with buffered saline (2 106
cells/mL). Individual leukocyte suspensions were divided into 4 wells of an immunological plate, 100 μL each. Equal volumes of test solutions simulating the effect of toxicants were added to three wells. The fourth well contained sterile isotonic sodium chloride solution (negative control). The mixtures in plates were exposed for 45 min at 37 °C followed by centrifugation for 10 min at 1500 rpm. From each well, 50 μL of the supernatant was taken and transferred to the plate for ELISA assays (under the same number). As a result, we have found that the solutions of cigarette smoke and exhaust gases caused release of IL-1β by leukocytes in the patients with asthma and COPD, but not in the samples from control group of healthy volunteers. Spontaneous increase in the IL-1β level was registered in the patients with asthma. The cigarette extracts caused an increased release of TNFα in the supernatant fluid of the patients with COPD. Upon exposure to a solution of exhaust gases, an increased level of TGF-β was revealed in patients with asthma compared to spontaneous cell activation (p < 0.05), as well as an increase in IFNγ contents in the patients with COPD as compared with control group (p < 0.05). No statistically significant changes were revealed for the levels of IL-6, IL-2, IL-4, IL-12, IFNα upon exposure of air toxicants on the leukocytes of patients with COPD, asthma or healthy volunteers.>
Кузьменко, А. В. Клиническая анатомия внутритазовых анастомозов запирательной артерии / А. В. Кузьменко (Гомель), В. Н. Жданович (Гомель) // Ангиология и сосудистая хирургия [Москва]. – 2022. – Т. 28, № 4. – С. 25–30. – Библиогр.: 16 назв.(Clinical anatomy of intrapelvic anastomoses of the obturator artery) One of the main principles of modern endovascular surgery is the maximum selectivity of intervention. In the treatment of prostatic hyperplasia, when there is a need for endovascular occlusion of the rami prostatici, the operation of choice is selective exclusion of these peripheral branches from the blood flow. However, a number of recent studies have shown that in case of well-developed intrapelvic anastomoses in the arteries formed from the internal iliac artery, destruction or early recanalization (within 2-3 weeks) of endovascular emboli previously placed inside the branches of these arteries may occur. Lack of information about the location of intrapelvic anastomotic branches of the obturator artery makes it difficult to develop surgical methods of treatment. The aim of the work is to investigate the anatomy of the collaterals of the obturator artery in the pelvic cavity. Material and methods. The studies were performed on the cadavers of 206 men (aged from 12 to 82 years) and 113 women (aged from 32 to 93 years) who died as a result of accidental causes not related to the pathology of the pelvic organs. To achieve the goal of the study, the method of vascular injection, dissection and statistical processing of the obtained data were used. Results and Discussion. It was found that in men, anastomotic branches from the obturator artery penetrated the pelvic cavity in 10.2% of cases on the right and in 8.3% of cases on the left. In women – in 5.3% of cases on the right and in 4.4% of cases on the left. 2/3 of all isolated anastomoses in men and women were located in the proximal third of the obturator artery. The anastomotic branches of a. obturatoria with both parietal and visceral branches of the internal iliac artery were detected. We have revealed the absence of statistically significant differences between the sizes of average diameters of the obturator artery and the sizes of average diameters of its anastomoses in people of both sexes. It was found out that large arterial joints are formed from the obturator artery in people of both sexes regardless of the size of its diameter. Conclusion. The number of intrapelvic anastomoses of the obturator artery in men and women decreases in the direction from the place of the origin of this artery to the part of it located directly at the entrance to the obturator canal.
Луцкая, И. К. Профилактика ошибок и осложнений на этапах эндодонтического лечения / И. К. Луцкая (Минск) // Новое в стоматологии [Москва]. – 2022. – № 8. – С. 26–33.(Prevention of errors and complications at the stages of endodontic treatment) The aim of this study was to improve the efficiency of endodontic treatment based on a thorough analysis of errors arising in the process of work and ways to prevent them. Material and methods of the study – specific clinical cases, medical records, targeted radiographs, CBCT images, as well as digital photographs. The results of the study have shown that the lack of adequate access to the root canal mouths occurs with insufficient preparation of the decay cavity, incomplete excision of the pulp chamber roof, lack of control of endodontic instrument insertion. The consequence of poor access to the root canal mouth is a number of complications.
Матвейчик, Т. В. Венская и Мюнхенская декларации: реализация в сестринском образовании в Республике Беларусь / Т. В. Матвейчик (Минск) // Медицинская сестра [Москва]. – 2022. – № 8. – С. 15–20. – Библиогр.: 17 назв.(Vienna and Munich Declarations: realization in nursing education in the Republic of Belarus) The effectiveness of the system of education is determined by two components: improvement of the organizational structure and training of medical personnel. The World Health Organization (WHO) and International Council of Nurses (ICN) have been an example of consistent development of nursing business and training of the nursing personnel for a considerable period of time. Attention to higher nursing education in the Republic of Belarus, as a basis of training highly qualified specialists, was reflected in concerted joint action of public institutions. Learning the experience of realizing the decisions of international meetings devoted to the development of nursing and obstetric business in the Republic of Belarus is of practical importance. This was implemented at the 30-year anniversary following the adoption of the Vienna Declarations in Russia (Moscow, 2018).
Нарушения кальций-фосфорного гомеостаза и костного ремоделирования у недоношенных детей с экстремальной и очень низкой массой тела / Е. В. Лошкова, Ю. С. Рафикова, Т. В. Саприна, Л. В. Ким, В. К. Прудникова, Т. С. Люлька, В. А. Желев, Г. Н. Янкина, А. А. Терентьева, Е. А. Боженко, А. С. Бушманова, Н. С. Парамонова (Гродно), Л. Н. Синица (Гродно) // Вопросы гинекологии, акушерства и перинатологии [Москва]. – 2022. – Т. 21, № 6. – С. 79–85. – Библиогр.: 60 назв.(Disorders of calcium-phosphorus homeostasis and bone remodeling in preterm infants with extreme and very low birth weight) The high prevalence of vitamin D deficiency worldwide is a growing concern because of its potential adverse effects on human health, including pregnant women and their offspring. In addition to its classic function as a regulator of calcium and phosphate metabolism and its fundamental role in bone health at every stage of life, its deficiency is associated with numerous adverse health effects. The classic consequences of vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women and newborns are late-onset hypocalcemia and nutritional rickets. In addition, recent studies have linked vitamin D deficiency to fertility as well as several clinical conditions during pregnancy: pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes mellitus, higher rates of cesarean section and preterm labor, while in infants the clinical conditions are low birth weight, lower bone mineral density, and among premature infants, metabolic bone disease. The authors analyze the relationship of 25(OH)D availability, taking into account the influence of exogenous and endogenous factors, with the course of pregnancy and childbirth and emphasize the existing preventive and therapeutic approaches to the prescription of different doses of vitamin D in a cohort of pregnant women.
Нейрогенная дисфункция мочевого пузыря при spina bifida: описание клинического случая и краткий обзор литературы / Н. В. Худякова, И. Ю. Пчелин, А. Д. Котрова, А. Н. Шишкин, В. К. Байрашева, В. В. Смирнов, О. Н. Василькова (Гомель) // Нефрология [Санкт-Петербург]. – 2022. – Т. 26, № 4. – С. 119–126. – Библиогр.: 23 назв.(Neurogenic bladder dysfunction in spina bifida: a case report and a brief review of the literature) Spina bifida is a developmental defect of the spinal cord and/or spinal cord that results from abnormal closure of the embryonic neural tube. Many factors have been described to determine the risks of developing this pathology, but the incidence of the defect is still high. 61% of patients with spina bifida have neurogenic bladder dysfunction based on intravesical hypertension, which contributes to reverse urethral flow and vesico-uretero-renal reflux, associated with chronic inflammatory and obstructive diseases of the urinary tract. Between 25-50% of patients with spina bifida develop chronic kidney disease, significantly reducing their quality of life. In some types of Spina bifida, urological symptoms may be prominent and indicate the presence of this malformation. Therefore, early diagnosis of Spina bifida and timely prophylactic and therapeutic measures are particular importance. This article describes a clinical case of Spina bifida posterior L1-L2 with a closed L1-L2 meningocele in which urological symptoms were the dominant manifestation. The development of secondary complications of neurogenic bladder in the presented patient cannot be excluded, which requires closer monitoring.
Некомпактная и дилатационная кардиомиопатия: генотип-фенотипические и прогностические различия / Т. Г. Вайханская (Минск), Л. Н. Сивицкая, О. Д. Левданский (Минск), Т. В. Курушко (Минск), Н. Г. Даниленко (Минск) // Российский кардиологический журнал [Москва]. – 2022. – Т. 27, № 10. – С. 40–56. – Библиогр.: 25 назв.(Non-compaction and dilated cardiomyopathy: genotypic, phenotypic and prognostic differences) Aim. To study and compare genotypic and phenotypic signs in patients with non-compaction cardiomyopathy (NCM) and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), to conduct a comparative analysis of clinical outcomes and 5-year cumulative survival of patients with NCM and DCM. Material and methods. The study included 144 unrelated patients with cardiomyopathy: NCM (n=74) and DCM (n=70). Mean age was 39 [30; 49] years (men, 96 (66,7%); left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was 30,5 [24; 46]%. A comprehensive clinical examination included electrocardiography, Holter monitoring, echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, coronary angiography, DNA diagnostics (NGS+Sanger), cascade screening, and cosegregation analysis. To assess clinical outcomes, the NCM group was divided into 2 subtypes according to baseline LV systolic function (NCM/DCM phenotype — 50 individuals with LVEF ≤49%; and isolated NCM — 24 patients with LVEF ≥50%). The following adverse events were assessed as the composite endpoint: cardiovascular death, heart transplantation (HT), sustained ventricular tachycardia, ventricular fibrillation, successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cerebral thromboembolism. The follow-up period was 62 months. Results. Among patients with LVEF ≤49% at a 5-year follow-up, 37 (74,0%) of 50 patients with the NCM/DCM phenotype and 41 (58,6%) of 70 patients with DCM achieved composite endpoint. Out of 24 patients with NCM with LVEF ≥50% (median LVEF, 56 [51; 61]%), 2 (8,3%) patients achieved composite endpoint (χ2=28,8; p=0,001). In the NCM/DCM group with LVEF ≤49%, a higher level of pathogenic genetic variants (64% vs 41,4%/DCM vs 29,2%/NCM; χ2=11,4; p=0,003), cerebral thromboembolism (χ2=11,8; p=0,003) and HT (χ2=10,6; p=0,005). The results of the 5-year survival analysis (Kaplan-Meier) showed a worse prognosis for NCM with LVEF ≤49% compared with DCM (log rang: χ2=11,5; p=0,001) and isolated NCM (log rang: χ2=17,02; p=0,0001). In the overall cohort (n=144), gene-positivity was also associated with worse prognosis (log rang: χ2=5,38; p=0,02). Conclusion. In the present study, patients with dilated subtype of NCM showed a worse prognosis compared with DCM and isolated NCM. Heart failure progression and cerebral thromboembolism were the most common complications in patients with NCM/DCM.
Нормативное сопровождение наркологической помощи в Республике Беларусь / А. В. Ходжаев (Минск), С. И. Осипчик (Минск), Ю. М. Каминская (Минск), С. А. Гуляев (Минск) // Наркология [Москва]. – 2022. – Т. 21, № 12. – С. 117–118.(Normative support of narcological aid in the Republic of Belarus ) In accordance with part one of Article 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the human being, his rights, freedoms and guarantees of their realization are the supreme value and the goal of society and the state. The State is responsible to the citizen for creating conditions for the free and dignified development of the individual. As follows from the first part of Article 23 of the Constitution Restrictions on individual rights and freedoms are permitted only in cases provided for by law, in the interests, inter alia, of public health. Objective: to familiarize with the main normative acts of Belarus regulating drug treatment.
О незаменимости этанолсодержащих антисептиков для профилактики инфекций, вызываемых безоболочечными вирусами / В. П. Филонов (Минский р-н, д. Цнянка), А. А. Красильников (Минский р-н, д. Цнянка), А. С. Долгин (Минский р-н, д. Цнянка), О. В. Савинова (Минск), И. В. Косяк (Минский р-н, аг. Гатово) // Дезинфекционное дело [Москва]. – 2022. – № 4. – С. 5–10. – Библиогр.: 7 назв.(About indispensability of ethanol-containing antiseptics for the prevention of infections caused by non-enveloped viruses) Recently, outbreaks of infectious diseases caused by various viruses have become more frequent in the world. Literature data of recent years show that antiseptics based only on propanol-1 and propanol-2 are not eff ective against infections caused by non-enveloped viruses. Antiseptics based on ethyl alcohol have a wide spectrum of virucidal action, including against non-enveloped viruses. Interruption of transmission of non-enveloped viruses in the population without the use of ethanol-containing antiseptics cannot be guaranteed.
Организация сервисов помощи при первом психотическом эпизоде: обзор литературы / А. В. Ходжаев (Минск), М. М. Скугаревская (Минск), Ю. М. Каминская (Минск), Е. И. Скугаревская (Минск) // Психическое здоровье [Москва]. – 2022. – Т. 17, № 12. – С. 69–75. – Библиогр.: 27 назв.(Organization of help services for the first psychotic episode: a literature review) Optimizing the treatment of psychotic disorders with a focus on the early stages of the illness is an important task of the modern health care system. Early initiation of treatment at the first psychotic episode improves outcomes and prevents early disability. The organization of services to provide adequate care for people with a first psychotic episode is a major challenge for mental health services worldwide. This article analyzes different approaches to the organization of psychiatric services for patients with a first psychotic episode in a number of countries.
Применение мезенхимальных стволовых клеток в лечении тяжелых форм новой коронавирусной инфекции COVID-19: проспективное наблюдательное исследование / А. М. Дзядзько (Минск), С. И. Кривенко (Минск), А. В. Сырадоев (Минск), Н. И. Дедюля (Минск), П. С. Прилуцкий (Минск), Е. А. Примакова (Минск), А. А. Сыманович (Минск), Е. А. Назарова (Минск), Е. Г. Петровская (Минск), В. В. Смольникова (Минск), И. А. Романова (Минск) // Вестник интенсивной терапии имени А. И. Салтанова [Москва]. – 2023. – № 1. – С. 71–82. – Библиогр.: 31 назв.(The use of mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of severe forms
of new coronavirus infection COVID-19: a prospective observational study)
One of the promising treatments for COVID-19 aimed at correcting the immune response and reducing the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines is the use of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). There is evidence that MSCs, due to various mechanisms, are able to suppress the cytokine storm in patients with COVID-19. Thus, the use of MSCs can contribute to the suppression of inflammation and the regulation of immune homeostasis in patients with severe COVID-19. Objective: Evaluation of the effect of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy on the course of severe forms of novel coronavirus infection, accompanied by “cytokine storm”. Materials and methods: A prospective single-center study included 39 patients treated for coronavirus infection on the basis of the intensive care unit and, after randomization, randomly divided into control (n = 16) and study groups (n = 23). An assessment of clinical, laboratory parameters in both groups and a cytokine profile in the study group was carried out. Outcomes were compared, the incidence of complications and clinical and laboratory parameters in both groups, and the cytokine profile in the study group. Results: The use of MSCs in patients with severe forms of COVID-19 affected the outcomes of the disease, the duration of stay on mechanical ventilation, the course of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) (an increase in the oxygenation index in patients of the study group by 5, 7 days from administration in comparison with the control group)
Рустамов, М. Н. Распространенность синдрома раздраженного кишечника в Республике Беларусь / М. Н. Рустамов (Минск) // Экспериментальная и клиническая гастроэнтерология [Москва]. – 2022. – Т. 207, № 11. – С. 117–121. – Библиогр.: 7 назв.(The prevalence of irritable bowel syndrome in the Republic of Belarus) In this data, we analyzed patients’ histories of 6466 outpatients with gastrointestinal (GI) diseases who visited gastroenterologist in Minsk Clinical Consulting Diagnostic Centre. 1698 patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) were selected. It was revealed that IBS is a wide spread functional bowel disorder and its proportion among GI diseases was 26,3%. IBS in females is 2.5 times more common than in males. IBS occurred in all age groups with a small difference in the frequency of subtypes by age, mainly at the overage age.
Украинцев, С. Е. Появление и формирование грудного вскармливания у млекопитающих: от ехидны и утконоса до человека / С. Е. Украинцев, Т. Н. Самаль (Минск) // Вопросы современной педиатрии [Москва]. – 2022. – Т. 21, № 6. – С. 462–466. – Библиогр.: 32 назв.(The Appearance and Establishment of Breastfeeding Amongst Mammals: From Echidna and Platypus to Human) The paper provides review of the scientific literature dedicated to the evolutionary aspects of breastfeeding in the animal kingdom. Differences in breast milk composition amongst different mammals along with changes in breast milk composition during evolution provided. Special attention is paid to oligosaccharides — unique components of the breast milk of Homo sapiens.
Янович, О. О. Генетическое разнообразие и функциональный статус oipA-гена Helicobacter pylori, его ассоциация с генами острова патогенности у пациентов с различными гастродуоденальными заболеваниями в Республике Беларусь / О. О. Янович (Минск), Л. П. Титов (Минск), М. В. Дорошко (Минск) // Молекулярная генетика, микробиология и вирусология [Москва]. – 2022. – Т. 40, № 4. – С. 9–13. – Библиогр.: 24 назв.(Genetic Diversity and Functional Status of the oipA Gene of Helicobacter pylori. Its Association with Genes of the Pathogenicity Island in Patients with Gastroduodenal Diseases in the Republic of Belarus) The aim of this study consisted in an investigation of the variability and functional status of the Helicobacter pylori oipA gene by using a sequencing method and evaluation of the association of oipA functionality with the cagPAI genes and clinical outcomes. The object of the study was 84 samples of H. pylori DNA isolated from antrum biopsies of the gastric mucosa from patients with gastroduodenal diseases. The presence of the cagPAI genes were determined by PCR. The oipA gene status was determined using sequencing reactions. Our results revealed that 79.8% of H. pylori samples had the “on” status of the oipA gene, while the remaining 20.2% of the samples had a nonfunctional gene status. The “on” status of the oipA gene was found to be statistically associated with an increased risk of developing duodenal ulcer compared with superficial gastritis (p < 0.003, OR = 14.5). However, no significant association was observed between the functional oipA status and atrophy gastritis (p < 0.05). The study showed there to be a high frequency of detection of genes of the pathogenicity island among H. pylori DNA samples with an “on” status of the oipA gene. There was a significant correlation between an “on” status of the oipA gene and the presence of all studied cagPAI genes; the highest correlation was found for the cagT and cagM genes. The link between the functional status of the oipA gene and other virulence factors encoded by the pathogenicity island cagPAI is important in the pathogenesis of H. pylori and requires further investigation.