Belarusian authors’ publications in foreign periodicals: 2nd quarter of 2024

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In this section you can check out Belarusian author’s publications in foreign periodicals which are accessible in RSML. To order a full text, use Electronic medical library or the Electronic document delivery service.

Модификация факторов кардиоваскулярного риска и эволюция сердечно-сосудистого фенотипа реципиентов трансплантата печени в отдаленном послеоперационном периоде / Е. А. Григоренко (Минск), К. Ю. Антюх (Минск), О. О. Руммо (Минск), Н. П. Митьковская (Минск) // Кардиология [Москва]. – 2024. – Т. 64, № 1. – С. 25–33.(Modification of Cardiovascular Risk Factors and the Evolution of The Cardiovascular Phenotype of Liver Transplant Recipients in the Long -Term Postoperative Period) Aim: To evaluate the contribution of traditional and additional cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs) to the development of chronic ischemic heart disease (CIHD) in liver transplant recipients during the long-term postoperative period. Material and methods: A single-center prospective cohort study was conducted. The study included 740 patients with chronic end-stage liver disease (CESLD) and cirrhotic cardiomyopathy (CCMP). During the observation period (5.4±2.29 years), patients were divided into two groups: liver transplant recipients (n=420) and patients with CESLD on the waiting list who did not receive a donor organ (n=320). In patients enrolled to the study upon inclusion in the waiting list, CVRFs, history, clinical and laboratory and instrumental data were studied at all stages of the hepato-cardiac continuum. Results: During the long-term postoperative period, liver transplant recipients belonged to the group of high cardiovascular risk: over a 5-year observation period, 35.7% (n=150) of them developed metabolic syndrome (MS), 9.8% developed verified CIHD associated with MS. The incidence of traditional CVRFs was high (arterial hypertension, 88.6%; obesity, 36.6%; hypercholesterolemia, 77.8%; hypertriglyceridemia, 43.6%; reduced concentration of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, 35.4%; increased concentrations of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, 66.8% and very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, 51.2%; increased atherogenic index, 61.5%). During the long-term postoperative period as compared to the period when patients were on the waiting list, additional CVRFs appeared: increases in body mass index, calcium index, nitric oxide metabolites, endothelin-1, homocysteine, intercellular adhesion molecules VCAM-1 and ICAM-1, and decreases in endothelium-dependent vasodilation and glomerular filtration rate to less than 60 ml/min/1.73 m2. A model for the development of CIHD was created. The model uses a complex of independent risk factors and demonstrates a predictive accuracy of 84.6%. Conclusion: The study results indicate a modification of CVRFs and a dynamic change in the cardiovascular phenotype of liver transplant recipients: progression of CCMP during their stay on the waiting list, regression of CCMP manifestations during the first 12 months after orthotopic liver transplantation, and increases in the total cardiovascular risk and likelihood of CIHD in the long-term postoperative period.
Эффективность CAR-T-клеточной терапии у пациентов с рефрактерными и рецидивирующими CD19-позитивными B-клеточными лимфомами / Н. Е. Конопля (Минск), С. А. Красный (Минск), Т. М. Дорошенко (Минск), И. Н. Северин (Минск), А. А. Саврицкая (Минск), Н. М. Боброва (Минск), А. С. Портянко (Минск), О. А. Каленик (Минск) // Онкология. Журнал имени П. А. Герцена [Москва]. – 2024. – Т. 13, № 1. – С. 11–15.( Effectiveness of CAR-T cell therapy in patients with refractory and relapsed CD19-positive B-cell lymphomas) Objective. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of therapy with locally produced anti-CDI 9 T-cells carrying a chimeric antigenic receptor (CAR-T-cell therapy) in patients suffering from relapsed/refractory forms of B-cell lymphoma. Material and methods. CAR-T-cell therapy was performed in 11 patients with previous lymphodepleting chemotherapy. The efficacy of therapy was evaluated by positron emission tomography combined with computed tomography. A second-generation anti-CDI 9-chimeric receptor was constructed from an anti-CDI 9-5sBu antibody fragment, the transmembrane domain of CD28, the signaling domains of 4-1 BB and CD3z proteins, and transduced into T lymphoid cells as part of the S4 lentiviral vector. The cellular product was obtained by separation and separate processing of CD4- and CDe-lymphocytes in the presence of interleukin-7 and interleukin-15. Results. After administration, CAR-T cell expansion was noted in all 11 patients, accompanied by B-cell aplasia. Median follow-up was 6.2 (range 2-21 months).The obverse response rate was 100% (10/10), complete remission was achieved in 9 patients and partial remission in 1 patient. One patient died of complications before achieving clinical response. The overall one-year survival rate was 77.9%. The grade III cytokine release syndrome was 9.1%, grade I was 18.2%, grade III neurotoxicity was 9.1%, and there were no cases of grade II and IV neurotoxicity. Conclusion. The study demonstrated the efficacy and safety of locally produced CAR-T cells for the treatment of patients with refractory B-cell lymphoma.
Евразийские рекомендации по диагностике и лечению легочной гипертензии (2023) / И. Е. Чазова, Т. В. Мартынюк, А. А. Шмальц, В. В. Грамович, Н. М. Данилов, Т. Н. Веселова, И. З. Коробкова, А. Ш. Сарыбаев, О. В. Стукалова, О. В. Барбараш, В. А. Азизов, А. С. Галявич, С. В. Горбачевский, Е. А. Медведева (Минск), Ю. Г. Матчин, М. А. Мукаров, С. Н. Наконечников, Е. В. Филиппов, И. Е. Черногривов // Евразийский кардиологический журнал [Москва]. – 2024. – № 1. – С. 6–85.(Eurasian clinical guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary hypertension) The EAC Recommendations reflect the views of the EAC and have been prepared after careful consideration of the scientific and medical evidence available at the time of their publication. EAC accepts no responsibility in the event of any contradiction, inconsistency and/or ambiguity between the EAC Recommendations and any other official recommendations or guidelines issued by the relevant public health authorities, in particular with regard to the appropriate use of medical or therapeutic strategies. Health professionals are encouraged to take full account of the EAC Recommendations when assessing their clinical judgment and when identifying and implementing preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic medical strategies. However, the EAC Recommendations in no way abrogate the individual responsibility of health care professionals to make appropriate and accurate decisions in consideration of each patient’s medical condition and in consultation with that patient and, if necessary and/or appropriate, the patient’s guardian. The EAC recommendations do not exempt health professionals from fully and thoroughly reviewing relevant official updated recommendations or guidelines issued by competent public health authorities to consider each medical case in the light of current evidence-based recommendations in accordance with their ethical and professional obligations. It is also the responsibility of the health care provider to check the current rules and regulations relating to medicines and medical devices at the time of prescription.
Применение локально изготовленных анти-CD19 CAR-T-клеток в лечении рефрактерных / рецидивирующих В-клеточных лимфом у взрослых / Н. Е. Конопля (Минский р-н, аг. Лесной), О. А. Каленик (Минский р-н, аг. Лесной), И. Н. Северин (Минский р-н, аг. Лесной), А. А. Саврицкая (Минский р-н, аг. Лесной), Н. М. Боброва (Минский р-н, аг. Лесной), Т. М. Дорошенко (Минский р-н, аг. Лесной), А. С. Портянко (Минский р-н, аг. Лесной) // Онкогематология [Москва]. – 2023. – Т. 18, № 3. – С. 26–34.(Use of locally produced anti-CD19 CAR-T cells in the treatment of relapsed/refractory B-cell lymphomas in adults) Patients with B-cell lymphoma have an extremely unfavorable prognosis after relapse or in case of refractoriness to the first and consecutive lines of immunochemotherapy with the anti-CD19 CAR-T cells being the only therapeutic option to such patients. the manual preparation of anti-CD19 CAR-T lymphocytes was reproduced in the N. N. Alexandrov republican research and practical center for oncology and medical radiology (Minsk). Their safety was demonstrated. Aim. To estimate safety, tolerability and efficacy of the in-house CAR-T cells, including objective response rate, progression-free and overall survival. Materials and methods. The second generation anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor contained an anti-CD19 antibody scFv fragment, CD28 transmembrane domain, 4-1BB and CD3z signaling domains. the coding sequence was cloned into the lentiviral vector S4. The cell product was obtained by expansion of CD4- and CD8-positive lymphocytes populations with IL-7 and IL-15 after initial activation and lentiviral transduction with vector S4. CAR-T cells were infused into 8 patients with refractory forms of B-cell lymphoma after the preliminary lymphodepleting chemotherapy. Persistence of CAR-T cells was assessed by flow cytometry. therapeutic efficiency was assessed by positron emission tomography-computed tomography with ¹⁸ F-fluorodeoxyglucose. Results. Expansion of CAR-T cells with resulting b-cell aplasia was observed in all patients. the median of observation was 113 days (range 22–529 days). objective response rate was 100 %, complete remission was observed in 6 patients, partial response – in 1 patient. One patient died because of complications before the clinical response. Overall survival was 88 ± 12 %. cytokine release syndrome and neurotoxicity were not observed in 6 out of 8 patients despite a high tumor burden. Conclusion. Our study demonstrated efficiency and safety of the in-house CAR-T cells for the treatment of patients with refractory B-cell lymphomas.
Верхнечелюстной синусит как осложнение дентальной имплантации: случай из практики / С. Л. Кабак (Минск), Ю. М. Мельниченко (Минск), С. Л. Анищенко (Минск), Н. А. Саврасова (Минск), О. М. Павлов (Минск), Р. С. Мехтиев (Минск) // Вестник оториноларингологии [Москва]. – 2024. – Т. 89, № 1. – С. 42–44.(Maxillary sinusitis as a complication of dental implantation: a case study) The article presents a clinical case of chronic maxillary sinusitis of odontogenic genesis and the results of its surgical treatment. The cause of sinusitis, confirmed by the results of radiologic and pathohistologic studies, was an inflammatory process in the bone tissue of the jaw around the implant placed in place of the first upper molar, which was accompanied by the formation of oroantral fistula. During the surgical intervention, the communication between the oral cavity and the maxillary sinus was eliminated, and the implant with the abutment, which was entirely in the cavity, was removed.
Снопков, В. В. Обзор клинических рекомендаций по диагностике, лечению и профилактике инфекции мочевой системы у детей / В. В. Снопков (Минск), С. В. Байко (Минск) // Нефрология [Санкт-Петербург]. – 2024. – Т. 28, № 1. – С. 30–42.(Review of clinical guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of urinary tract infection in children) Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common bacterial diseases in childhood. The difficulty of diagnosis and timely administration of adequate therapy is associated with differences in the clinical course of the disease in different age groups, localization of the infectious process (upper and lower urinary tract), methods of urine collection and interpretation of the obtained results. The possibility and amount of instrumental diagnostics also varies depending on the region and the specifics of the organization of the healthcare system. The problem of increasing resistance of microorganisms is aggravated by the often-excessive prescription of antimicrobial chemotherapy drugs, which leads to a narrowing of the range of available drugs and the possibility of their use in appropriate age groups. All of the above explains the lack of uniform approaches and the existence of many international and local clinical recommendations on the problem of UTI. This review highlights the features of urine collection in non- and toilet-trained children and also discusses the assumptions and limitations of using screening methods for urinalysis. Indications for urine culture and differences in the interpretation of results depending on the method of obtaining a urine sample are presented, as well as data on modern instrumental diagnostic methods and strategies for their use in practice. A comparative description of current international clinical recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of UTIs in children is provided.
Результаты экспериментальной токсикологической оценки фармацевтической субстанции амброксола гидрохлорид, обоснование предельного допустимого содержания в воздухе рабочей зоны / В. М. Василькевич (Минск), Р. В. Богданов (Минск), А. А. Евтерева (Минск), С. И. Сычик (Минск) // Медицина труда и промышленная экология [Москва]. – 2024. – № 2. – С. 99–104.(The results of an experimental toxicological assessment of the pharmaceutical substance ambroxol hydrochloride, justification of the maximum permissible content in the air of the working area) Ambroxol hydrochloride is a biologically active substance used as a pharmaceutical substance in the manufacture of medicines for secretolytic therapy in the case of acute and chronic bronchopulmonary diseases. To date, there is no hygienic standard for the safe content of substances in the air of the working area in the republic. The study aims to substantiate and develop the maximum permissible concentrations and hazard class of the pharmaceutical substance ambroxol hydrochloride in the air of the working area. Materials and methods. The authors have conducted experimental toxicological studies of the pharmaceutical substance on animals (rats, mice, rabbits) in accordance with the requirements of technical regulatory legal acts and recommendations of methodological documents regulating the justification of hygienic standards. Results. Scientists have found that the pharmaceutical substance ambroxol hydrochloride, when injected into the stomach and inhaled, is classified as a low-hazard substance at an average lethal dose/concentration (according to GOST 12.1.007-76), has a mild irritant effect on the skin and moderate on the mucous membranes of the eyes, does not exhibit a skin-resorptive effect, is characterized by a weak cumulative effect and does not it has sensitizing activity. Under the conditions of inhalation of the substance into the body of laboratory animals (rats), the threshold values of acute and chronic harmful effects of this pharmaceutical substance were at the level of 90 mg/m3 (in terms of the effect on the functional state of the nervous activity of rats) and 30 mg/m3, respectively (in terms of changes in behavioral indicators, weight and mass coefficient spleen, blood glucose, alanine aminotransferases and urea) accordingly. Conclusion. Based on the experimental results of the toxicological assessment, the authors have justified the standard of permissible content of the pharmaceutical substance ambroxol hydrochloride in the air of the working area at the level of 4.0 mg/m3, they also have established the hazard class of the substance according to GOST 12.1.007-76 (class 3, medium-hazard substances).
Малашевская, А. О. Применение биомедицинских клеточных продуктов на основе естественных киллерных клеток и цитокин-индуцированных киллерных клеток для лечения онкологических заболеваний / А. О. Малашевская (Минск), Н. Г. Антоневич (Минск), А. Е. Гончаров (Минск) // Практическая онкология [Санкт-Петербург]. – 2024. – Т. 25, № 1. – С. 25–33.(Application of biomedical cell products based on natural killer cells and cytokine-induced killer cells for the treatment of oncological diseases) Cellular immunotherapy has become an essential part of modern concepts of oncology treatment. One of the promising tool of immunotherapy in the treatment of cancer is the use of biomedical cell products (BMCP) based on natural killer cells (NK-cells) and cytokine-induced killer cells (CIKc). NK-cells are a unique population of innate lymphoid cells that identify tumor cells and play a key role in anticancer immunity through their cytotoxicity mechanisms. CIKc share the immunofunctional properties both of T-lymphocytes and NK cells; they do not require antigen-specific priming to recognize tumor cells and can be quickly cultured in vitro. The purpose of this review is to evaluate the available literature describing adoptive immunotherapy for BMCP based on NK-cells and CIKc.
Бизюкевич, С. В. Мониторинг успеваемости студентов третьего курса медико-психологического факультета по дисциплине «Общая психопатология» / С. В. Бизюкевич (Гродно), Э. П. Станько (Гродно) // Психическое здоровье [Москва]. – 2024. – Т. 19, № 3. – С. 11–16.(Monitoring of academic performance of third-year students of the medical-psychological faculty in the discipline “General psychopathology”) The article addresses the issues concerning the problem of “survivability” of knowledge in third-year students of medical and psychological faculty in the discipline “General psychopathology”. One of the indicators of the quality of learning in a higher educational institution is the level of knowledge mastered by students. To check the level of knowledge assimilated by students of the medical-psychological faculty, a workshop was developed at the Department of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine, including a bank of tasks with different levels of complexity for objective assessment of the level of “survival” of knowledge in third-year students of the medical-psychological faculty in the discipline “General Psychopathology”, starting from the third year. Methods. The procedure of controlling the mastering of 106 students of the academic discipline “General Psychopathology” during the spring semester in the period from 09.03.2023 to 26.05.2023, according to the schedule made by the academic department of the university, was carried out. Assessment of current academic performance in students was carried out in the form of “control tests” based on the textbook developed by the authors of the article. Results. The dynamics of the indicators of the level of knowledge mastered by students in the discipline “General psychopathology” was established. Discussion. Qualitative analysis of students’ works demonstrated that 86% of them had difficulties in understanding and applying the phenomenological method in describing psychopathological symptoms. In 65% of cases, students could not identify the main psychopathologic syndrome. Significant difficulties in understanding the relationships symptom – symptom complex – syndrome were noted. Conclusion. The results obtained allowed us to identify problematic issues in the training of students and to develop measures to improve the quality of the educational process.
Клинический случай артериовенозной мальформации матки после трофобластической болезни / И. Н. Огризко (Витебск), О. В. Лысенко (Витебск), О. В. Кибик (Витебск), В. С. Огризко (Витебск), Ю. А. Сачек (Витебск), Э. П. Силкина (Витебск) // Проблемы репродукции [Москва]. – 2024. – Т. 30, № 2. – С. 96–101.(Clinical case of uterine arteriovenous malformation after trophoblastic disease) A case of uterine arteriovenous malformation in a patient after trophoblastic disease is presented. Early diagnosis of this pathology allows preventing unwarranted separate diagnostic uterine scraping and subsequent profuse bleeding.
Вторичные опухоли после химиолучевой терапии лимфомы Ходжкина у детей и подростков Республики Беларусь / А. Ф. Марковец (Минский р-н, д. Боровляны), М. В. Борисевич (Минский р-н, д. Боровляны), Т. В. Савич (Минский р-н, д. Боровляны), О. В. Красько (Минск), О. А. Мишкова (Минский р-н, д. Боровляны) // Российский журнал детской гематологии и онкологии [Москва]. – 2024. – Т. 11, № 1. – С. 11–18.(Secondary tumors after chemoradiation therapy of Hodgkin’s lymphoma in children and adolescents of the Republic of Belarus) The article presents the analysis of the frequency of secondary tumor development after therapy of Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) in 508 patients aged 0-18 years in the Republic of Belarus. Materials and Methods. Patients received program therapy under the DAL-HD-90(m) protocol. The follow-up periods ranged from 10 months to 25 years. During the entire follow-up period, 27 secondary malignant tumors (SMT) were diagnosed in 26 (4.1%) patients: thyroid cancer – 11 (40.7 %), gastric cancer – 2 (7.4 %), upper lobe bronchus cancer – 1 (3.7 %), parotid salivary gland carcinoma – 2 (7.4 %), breast cancer – 1 (3.7 %), hepatocellular liver cancer – 1 (3, 7 %), soft tissue sarcoma – 2 (7.4 %), renal cell cancer – 1 (3.7 %), ovarian tumor – 1 (3.7 %), basal cell skin cancer – 2 (7.4 %), acute myeloid leukemia – 2 (7.4 %), myelodysplastic syndrome – 1 (3.7 %). All cases of blood system SMT were fatal. Results. It was found out that solid SMT developed within the area of radiation exposure on organs and tissues. The risk of SMT development in HL patients intensified with increasing time of follow-up after the end of treatment. The cumulative incidence of SMT was 3.4 + 0.8 % after 10 years, 4.6 + 1.0 % after 15 years and 7.0 + 1.6 % after 20 years after HL diagnosis. The latency period of SMT development after HL was 8.4 years (5 months to 23 years). Conclusions. The obtained data confirm the necessity of optimization of treatment volumes, reduction of doses and reduction of indications for radiation therapy (RT) taking into account prognostic factors, introduction of new RT techniques and use of new treatment regimens for pediatric patients with HL.
Аллельный вариант 6А (rs35068180) промоторной области гена MMP-3 как предиктор развития кардиотоксичности после окончания адъювантной химиотерапии доксорубицином у пациентов со злокачественными новообразованиями молочной железы / И. А. Карпуть (Гродно), В. А. Снежицкий (Гродно), М. Н. Курбат (Гродно), О. А. Горустович (Гродно), А. С. Бабенко (Минск) // Российский кардиологический журнал [Москва]. – 2024. – Т. 29, № 1. – С. 103–110.(Allelic variant 6A (rs35068180) of the MMP-3 promoter region as a predictor of cardiotoxicity after the end of adjuvant chemotherapy with doxorubicin in patients with breast cancer) Aim. To evaluate the relationship of polymorphic variants rs2232228 of the HAS3 gene, rs8187710 of the ABCC2 gene, rs35068180 of the MMP-3 gene with cardiotoxicity after the end of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer. Material and methods. The study included 100 patients (women, mean age 52,5±9,4 years) diagnosed with breast cancer who received anthracycline antibiotics (doxorubicin, total dose 240 mg/m2 or 360 mg/m2). Echocardiography was performed before and after the end of chemotherapy. Polymorphic status of selected targets was determined using the real-time polymerase chain reaction.Results. After the end of chemotherapy, based on the changes of left ventricular ejection fraction and global longitudinal strain, cardiotoxicity (CT) was detected in 20 patients. There were following significant differences between subgroups: rs8187710 of the ABCC2 gene — not identified; rs2232228 of the HAS3 gene — genotype AA, odds ratio (OR) 3,37 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1,14; 9,97) and allelic variant A, OR 2,17 (95% CI 0,98; 4,80) are significantly more common (p<0,05) in the cardiotoxicity+ subgroup; rs35068180 of the MMP-3 gene — genotype 6A/6A, OR 2,53 (95% CI 0,93; 6,88) and allelic variant 6A, OR 2,19 (95% CI 1,08; 4,44) are significantly more often (p<0,05) in the cardiotoxicity+ subgroup.Conclusion. Genotype 6A/6A, allelic variant 6A rs35068180 of the MMP-3 gene, genotype AA and allelic variant A rs2232228 of the HAS3 gene can be considered as predictors of early cardiotoxicity after the end of chemotherapy in patients with breast cancer receiving doxorubicin.