Main aspects of the department’s work

Resource Generation Department

  • current and retrospective acquisition of the collection in accordance with the “Fund Acquisition Profile of the RSML”;
  • registration, accounting and deletion of documents;
  • organization and maintenance of document exchange;
  • library processing and cataloguing of documents;
  • indexing of documents by UDC and subjectification by MeHS;
  • digitisation of printed documents for the electronic medical library;
  • providing methodological assistance to the network medical libraries on collection development, cataloguing, and UDC indexing of documents.

Document Storage Department

  • organizing (placing, storing) the library fund and ensuring its preservation;
  • ensuring the completeness and efficiency of meeting the library readers’ requests;
  • providing methodological assistance to the network’s medical libraries on the issues of depository storage of documents and organisation of work with the collection.

Reference and Information Department

  • prompt satisfaction of the information and bibliographic needs of individual and collective users;
  • creation of the “Analitika” database of the electronic catalogue;
  • provision of information support for healthcare workers;
  • providing methodological assistance for the reference, bibliographic and information work of the network’s libraries.

Library Service Department

  • library services to all categories of users according to their information needs, based on the library collection and other resources;
  • reference, bibliographic and information services to users through catalogues, databases created by the library, purchased databases and Internet resources;
  • meeting the information needs of remote users by providing full-text documents from the Library collection in page-by-page mode through the Electronic Medical Library;
  • interlibrary loan and electronic document delivery services for users;
  • information and mass media work;
  • formation of subsidiary stock of the department and ensuring its preservation;
  • provision of methodological assistance to the network’s medical libraries on issues related to library services for users;
  • provision of paid services.

Library Marketing and Advertising Department

  • research and analysis of the market for library and information services and potential library users;
  • formation of the nomenclature of library and information services and products of the library in accordance with the identified needs;
  • carrying out advertising and information activities, formation of positive image of the library;
  • concluding contracts with organisations for library and information services.

Department of Library Information Technologies

  • creation of information resources in the field of medicine and healthcare;
  • providing healthcare institutions and professionals with access to information resources (library’s own and worldwide) on the basis of computer and telecommunications technologies;
  • ensuring the operation of an integrated library automation system;
  • development and implementation of new information, computer and telecommunication technologies;
  • administration of local computer network, server and telecommunication equipment;
  • preventive maintenance and repair of computer hardware and network and telecommunications equipment;
  • providing methodological assistance to the network’s medical libraries on automation issues.

Operational Polygraphies Department

  • copying and photocopying work;
  • printing of brochures, leaflets;
  • restoration of documents from the library collection.

Museum of the History of Medicine of Belarus

  • creation of collections and preservation of monuments of the history of medicine and healthcare in Belarus;
  • educational and awareness-raising activities: creation of expositions and exhibitions, organization of excursion services.